Welcome to the Electrifying
World of Management
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
—Steve Jobs
Success of all kinds. Particularly their own. Definitions of achievement vary madly, yet success in many, many professions comes with a caveat: As you rise upward in your field you also—more likely than not—become

Now, get to it. There are performance evaluations to deliver, people to reprimand, forms to fill out, crowds to address, protocol to follow, feedback to provide, staff to hire, others to fire, meetings to run, communication to bungle, projects to lead, teams to inspire, direct reports to herd, expectations to fulfill, apologies to make, priorities to clash, programs to off-load, correspondence to correct, names to memorize, meetings to blow off, subordinates to appease, plus hours and hours and hours to work late.
And always have a smile on your face or people will talk. Make sure it’s authentic.
Oh, and do your real job, too.
Did I mention your training will be minimal to none? And your every move will be scrutinized, judged, and dissected ad nauseam? Starting… now!
What are you standing around for? Get busy. Run. RUN!
Wait! Get back here. Take this book with you. You’ll need it.