第8章 PART II(2)
Hard and merciless and stealthy like rocks that tear a ship's life out under the smooth sea."He drew a long breath,struggled with his anger,then broke down suddenly."I have been hungry,"he continued,in a whimpering tone--"often I have been very hungry--and cold--and neglected--and nobody near me.She has often forgotten me--and my sons are dead,and that man is an infidel and a dog.Why did he come?Did you show him the way?""He found the way himself,O Leader of the brave,"said Babalatchi,sadly."I only saw a way for their destruction and our own greatness.And if I saw aright,then you shall never suffer from hunger any more.There shall be peace for us,and glory and riches.""And I shall die to-morrow,"murmured Omar,bitterly.
"Who knows?Those things have been written since the beginning of the world,"whispered Babalatchi,thoughtfully.
"Do not let him come back,"exclaimed Omar.
"Neither can he escape his fate,"went on Babalatchi."He shall come back,and the power of men we always hated,you and I,shall crumble into dust in our hand."Then he added with enthusiasm,"They shall fight amongst themselves and perish both.""And you shall see all this,while,I...""True!"murmured Babalatchi,regretfully."To you life is darkness.""No!Flame!"exclaimed the old Arab,half rising,then falling back in his seat."The flame of that last day!I see it yet--the last thing I saw!And I hear the noise of the rent earth--when they all died.And I live to be the plaything of a crafty one,"he added,with inconsequential peevishness.
"You are my master still,"said Babalatchi,humbly."You are very wise--and in your wisdom you shall speak to Syed Abdulla when he comes here--you shall speak to him as I advised,I,your servant,the man who fought at your right hand for many years.I have heard by a messenger that the Syed Abdulla is coming to-night,perhaps late;for those things must be done secretly,lest the white man,the trader up the river,should know of them.But he will be here.There has been a surat delivered to Lakamba.In it,Syed Abdulla says he will leave his ship,which is anchored outside the river,at the hour of noon to-day.He will be here before daylight if Allah wills."He spoke with his eye fixed on the ground,and did not become aware of Aissa's presence till he lifted his head when he ceased speaking.She had approached so quietly that even Omar did not hear her footsteps,and she stood now looking at them with troubled eyes and parted lips,as if she was going to speak;but at Babalatchi's entreating gesture she remained silent.Omar sat absorbed in thought.
"Ay wa!Even so!"he said at last,in a weak voice."I am to speak your wisdom,O Babalatchi!Tell him to trust the white man!I do not understand.I am old and blind and weak.I do not understand.I am very cold,"he continued,in a lower tone,moving his shoulders uneasily.He ceased,then went on rambling in a faint whisper."They are the sons of witches,and their father is Satan the stoned.Sons of witches.Sons of witches."After a short silence he asked suddenly,in a firmer voice--"How many white men are there here,O crafty one?""There are two here.Two white men to fight one another,"answered Babalatchi,with alacrity.
"And how many will be left then?How many?Tell me,you who are wise.""The downfall of an enemy is the consolation of the unfortunate,"said Babalatchi,sententiously."They are on every sea;only the wisdom of the Most High knows their number--but you shall know that some of them suffer.""Tell me,Babalatchi,will they die?Will they both die?"asked Omar,in sudden agitation.
Aissa made a movement.Babalatchi held up a warning hand.
"They shall,surely,die,"he said steadily,looking at the girl with unflinching eye.
"Ay wa!But die soon!So that I can pass my hand over their faces when Allah has made them stiff.""If such is their fate and yours,"answered Babalatchi,without hesitation."God is great!"A violent fit of coughing doubled Omar up,and he rocked himself to and fro,wheezing and moaning in turns,while Babalatchi and the girl looked at him in silence.Then he leaned back against the tree,exhausted.
"I am alone,I am alone,"he wailed feebly,groping vaguely about with his trembling hands."Is there anybody near me?Is there anybody?I am afraid of this strange place.""I am by your side,O Leader of the brave,"said Babalatchi,touching his shoulder lightly."Always by your side as in the days when we both were young:as in the time when we both went with arms in our hands.""Has there been such a time,Babalatchi?"said Omar,wildly;"Ihave forgotten.And now when I die there will be no man,no fearless man to speak of his father's bravery.There was a woman!A woman!And she has forsaken me for an infidel dog.
The hand of the Compassionate is heavy on my head!Oh,my calamity!Oh,my shame!"He calmed down after a while,and asked quietly--"Is the sun set,Babalatchi?"
"It is now as low as the highest tree I can see from here,"answered Babalatchi.
"It is the time of prayer,"said Omar,attempting to get up.
Dutifully Babalatchi helped his old chief to rise,and they walked slowly towards the hut.Omar waited outside,while Babalatchi went in and came out directly,dragging after him the old Arab's praying carpet.Out of a brass vessel he poured the water of ablution on Omar's outstretched hands,and eased him carefully down into a kneeling posture,for the venerable robber was far too infirm to be able to stand.Then as Omar droned out the first words and made his first bow towards the Holy City,Babalatchi stepped noiselessly towards Aissa,who did not move all the time.
Aissa looked steadily at the one-eyed sage,who was approaching her slowly and with a great show of deference.For a moment they stood facing each other in silence.Babalatchi appeared embarrassed.With a sudden and quick gesture she caught hold of his arm,and with the other hand pointed towards the sinking red disc that glowed,rayless,through the floating mists of the evening.
"The third sunset!The last!And he is not here,"she whispered;"what have you done,man without faith?What have you done?""Indeed I have kept my word,"murmured Babalatchi,earnestly.
"This morning Bulangi went with a canoe to look for him.He is a strange man,but our friend,and shall keep close to him and watch him without ostentation.And at the third hour of the day I have sent another canoe with four rowers.Indeed,the man you long for,O daughter of Omar!may come when he likes.""But he is not here!I waited for him yesterday.To-day!To-morrow I shall go."
"Not alive!"muttered Babalatchi to himself."And do you doubt your power,"he went on in a louder tone--"you that to him are more beautiful than an houri of the seventh Heaven?He is your slave.""A slave does run away sometimes,"she said,gloomily,"and then the master must go and seek him out.""And do you want to live and die a beggar?"asked Babalatchi,impatiently.
"I care not,"she exclaimed,wringing her hands;and the black pupils of her wide-open eyes darted wildly here and there like petrels before the storm.
"Sh!Sh!"hissed Babalatchi,with a glance towards Omar."Do you think,O girl!that he himself would live like a beggar,even with you?""He is great,"she said,ardently."He despises you all!He despises you all!He is indeed a man!""You know that best,"muttered Babalatchi,with a fugitive smile--"but remember,woman with the strong heart,that to hold him now you must be to him like the great sea to thirsty men--a never-ceasing torment,and a madness."He ceased and they stood in silence,both looking on the ground,and for a time nothing was heard above the crackling of the fire but the intoning of Omar glorifying the God--his God,and the Faith--his faith.Then Babalatchi cocked his head on one side and appeared to listen intently to the hum of voices in the big courtyard.The dull noise swelled into distinct shouts,then into a great tumult of voices,dying away,recommencing,growing louder,to cease again abruptly;and in those short pauses the shrill vociferations of women rushed up,as if released,towards the quiet heaven.Aissa and Babalatchi started,but the latter gripped in his turn the girl's arm and restrained her with a strong grasp.
"Wait,"he whispered.
The little door in the heavy stockade which separated Lakamba's private ground from Omar's enclosure swung back quickly,and the noble exile appeared with disturbed mien and a naked short sword in his hand.His turban was half unrolled,and the end trailed on the ground behind him.His jacket was open.He breathed thickly for a moment before he spoke.
"He came in Bulangi's boat,"he said,"and walked quietly till he was in my presence,when the senseless fury of white men caused him to rush upon me.I have been in great danger,"went on the ambitious nobleman in an aggrieved tone."Do you hear that,Babalatchi?That eater of swine aimed a blow at my face with his unclean fist.He tried to rush amongst my household.Six men are holding him now."A fresh outburst of yells stopped Lakamba's discourse.Angry voices shouted:"Hold him.Beat him down.Strike at his head."Then the clamour ceased with sudden completeness,as if strangled by a mighty hand,and after a second of surprising silence the voice of Willems was heard alone,howling maledictions in Malay,in Dutch,and in English.
"Listen,"said Lakamba,speaking with unsteady lips,"he blasphemes his God.His speech is like the raving of a mad dog.
Can we hold him for ever?He must be killed!""Fool!"muttered Babalatchi,looking up at Aissa,who stood with set teeth,with gleaming eyes and distended nostrils,yet obedient to the touch of his restraining hand."It is the third day,and I have kept my promise,"he said to her,speaking very low."Remember,"he added warningly--"like the sea to the thirsty!And now,"he said aloud,releasing her and stepping back,"go,fearless daughter,go!"Like an arrow,rapid and silent she flew down the enclosure,and disappeared through the gate of the courtyard.Lakamba and Babalatchi looked after her.They heard the renewed tumult,the girl's clear voice calling out,"Let him go!"Then after a pause in the din no longer than half the human breath the name of Aissa rang in a shout loud,discordant,and piercing,which sent through them an involuntary shudder.Old Omar collapsed on his carpet and moaned feebly;Lakamba stared with gloomy contempt in the direction of the inhuman sound;but Babalatchi,forcing a smile,pushed his distinguished protector through the narrow gate in the stockade,followed him,and closed it quickly.
The old woman,who had been most of the time kneeling by the fire,now rose,glanced round fearfully and crouched hiding behind the tree.The gate of the great courtyard flew open with a great clatter before a frantic kick,and Willems darted in carrying Aissa in his arms.He rushed up the enclosure like a tornado,pressing the girl to his breast,her arms round his neck,her head hanging back over his arm,her eyes closed and her long hair nearly touching the ground.They appeared for a second in the glare of the fire,then,with immense strides,he dashed up the planks and disappeared with his burden in the doorway of the big house.
Inside and outside the enclosure there was silence.Omar lay supporting himself on his elbow,his terrified face with its closed eyes giving him the appearance of a man tormented by a nightmare.
"What is it?Help!Help me to rise!"he called out faintly.
The old hag,still crouching in the shadow,stared with bleared eyes at the doorway of the big house,and took no notice of his call.He listened for a while,then his arm gave way,and,with a deep sigh of discouragement,he let himself fall on the carpet.
The boughs of the tree nodded and trembled in the unsteady currents of the light wind.A leaf fluttered down slowly from some high branch and rested on the ground,immobile,as if resting for ever,in the glow of the fire;but soon it stirred,then soared suddenly,and flew,spinning and turning before the breath of the perfumed breeze,driven helplessly into the dark night that had closed over the land.
For upwards of forty years Abdulla had walked in the way of his Lord.Son of the rich Syed Selim bin Sali,the great Mohammedan trader of the Straits,he went forth at the age of seventeen on his first commercial expedition,as his father's representative on board a pilgrim ship chartered by the wealthy Arab to convey a crowd of pious Malays to the Holy Shrine.That was in the days when steam was not in those seas--or,at least,not so much as now.The voyage was long,and the young man's eyes were opened to the wonders of many lands.Allah had made it his fate to become a pilgrim very early in life.This was a great favour of Heaven,and it could not have been bestowed upon a man who prized it more,or who made himself more worthy of it by the unswerving piety of his heart and by the religious solemnity of his demeanour.Later on it became clear that the book of his destiny contained the programme of a wandering life.He visited Bombay and Calcutta,looked in at the Persian Gulf,beheld in due course the high and barren coasts of the Gulf of Suez,and this was the limit of his wanderings westward.He was then twenty-seven,and the writing on his forehead decreed that the time had come for him to return to the Straits and take from his dying father's hands the many threads of a business that was spread over all the Archipelago:from Sumatra to New Guinea,from Batavia to Palawan.
Very soon his ability,his will--strong to obstinacy--his wisdom beyond his years,caused him to be recognized as the head of a family whose members and connections were found in every part of those seas.An uncle here--a brother there;a father-in-law in Batavia,another in Palembang;husbands of numerous sisters;cousins innumerable scattered north,south,east,and west--in every place where there was trade:the great family lay like a network over the islands.They lent money to princes,influenced the council-rooms,faced--if need be--with peaceful intrepidity the white rulers who held the land and the sea under the edge of sharp swords;and they all paid great deference to Abdulla,listened to his advice,entered into his plans--because he was wise,pious,and fortunate.
He bore himself with the humility becoming a Believer,who never forgets,even for one moment of his waking life,that he is the servant of the Most High.He was largely charitable because the charitable man is the friend of Allah,and when he walked out of his house--built of stone,just outside the town of Penang--on his way to his godowns in the port,he had often to snatch his hand away sharply from under the lips of men of his race and creed;and often he had to murmur deprecating words,or even to rebuke with severity those who attempted to touch his knees with their finger-tips in gratitude or supplication.He was very handsome,and carried his small head high with meek gravity.His lofty brow,straight nose,narrow,dark face with its chiselled delicacy of feature,gave him an aristocratic appearance which proclaimed his pure descent.His beard was trimmed close and to a rounded point.His large brown eyes looked out steadily with a sweetness that was belied by the expression of his thin-lipped mouth.His aspect was serene.He had a belief in his own prosperity which nothing could shake.
Restless,like all his people,he very seldom dwelt for many days together in his splendid house in Penang.Owner of ships,he was often on board one or another of them,traversing in all directions the field of his operations.In every port he had a household--his own or that of a relation--to hail his advent with demonstrative joy.In every port there were rich and influential men eager to see him,there was business to talk over,there were important letters to read:an immense correspondence,enclosed in silk envelopes--a correspondence which had nothing to do with the infidels of colonial post-offices,but came into his hands by devious,yet safe,ways.It was left for him by taciturn nakhodas of native trading craft,or was delivered with profound salaams by travel-stained and weary men who would withdraw from his presence calling upon Allah to bless the generous giver of splendid rewards.And the news was always good,and all his attempts always succeeded,and in his ears there rang always a chorus of admiration,of gratitude,of humble entreaties.
A fortunate man.And his felicity was so complete that the good genii,who ordered the stars at his birth,had not neglected--by a refinement of benevolence strange in such primitive beings--to provide him with a desire difficult to attain,and with an enemy hard to overcome.The envy of Lingard's political and commercial successes,and the wish to get the best of him in every way,became Abdulla's mania,the paramount interest of his life,the salt of his existence.
For the last few months he had been receiving mysterious messages from Sambir urging him to decisive action.He had found the river a couple of years ago,and had been anchored more than once off that estuary where the,till then,rapid Pantai,spreading slowly over the lowlands,seems to hesitate,before it flows gently through twenty outlets;over a maze of mudflats,sandbanks and reefs,into the expectant sea.He had never attempted the entrance,however,because men of his race,although brave and adventurous travellers,lack the true seamanlike instincts,and he was afraid of getting wrecked.He could not bear the idea of the Rajah Laut being able to boast that Abdulla bin Selim,like other and lesser men,had also come to grief when trying to wrest his secret from him.Meantime he returned encouraging answers to his unknown friends in Sambir,and waited for his opportunity in the calm certitude of ultimate triumph.
Such was the man whom Lakamba and Babalatchi expected to see for the first time on the night of Willems'return to Aissa.
Babalatchi,who had been tormented for three days by the fear of having over-reached himself in his little plot,now,feeling sure of his white man,felt lighthearted and happy as he superintended the preparations in the courtyard for Abdulla's reception.
Half-way between Lakamba's house and the river a pile of dry wood was made ready for the torch that would set fire to it at the moment of Abdulla's landing.Between this and the house again there was,ranged in a semicircle,a set of low bamboo frames,and on those were piled all the carpets and cushions of Lakamba's household.It had been decided that the reception was to take place in the open air,and that it should be made impressive by the great number of Lakamba's retainers,who,clad in clean white,with their red sarongs gathered round their waists,chopper at side and lance in hand,were moving about the compound or,gathering into small knots,discussed eagerly the coming ceremony.
Two little fires burned brightly on the water's edge on each side of the landing place.A small heap of damar-gum torches lay by each,and between them Babalatchi strolled backwards and forwards,stopping often with his face to the river and his head on one side,listening to the sounds that came from the darkness over the water.There was no moon and the night was very clear overhead,but,after the afternoon breeze had expired in fitful puffs,the vapours hung thickening over the glancing surface of the Pantai and clung to the shore,hiding from view the middle of the stream.
A cry in the mist--then another--and,before Babalatchi could answer,two little canoes dashed up to the landing-place,and two of the principal citizens of Sambir,Daoud Sahamin and Hamet Bahassoen,who had been confidentially invited to meet Abdulla,landed quickly and after greeting Babalatchi walked up the dark courtyard towards the house.The little stir caused by their arrival soon subsided,and another silent hour dragged its slow length while Babalatchi tramped up and down between the fires,his face growing more anxious with every passing moment.
At last there was heard a loud hail from down the river.At a call from Babalatchi men ran down to the riverside and,snatching the torches,thrust them into the fires,then waved them above their heads till they burst into a flame.The smoke ascended in thick,wispy streams,and hung in a ruddy cloud above the glare that lit up the courtyard and flashed over the water,showing three long canoes manned by many paddlers lying a little off;the men in them lifting their paddles on high and dipping them down together,in an easy stroke that kept the small flotilla motionless in the strong current,exactly abreast of the landing-place.A man stood up in the largest craft and called out--"Syed Abdulla bin Selim is here!"
Babalatchi answered aloud in a formal tone--"Allah gladdens our hearts!Come to the land!"Abdulla landed first,steadying himself by the help of Babalatchi's extended hand.In the short moment of his passing from the boat to the shore they exchanged sharp glances and a few rapid words.
"Who are you?"
"Babalatchi.The friend of Omar.The protected of Lakamba.""You wrote?"
"My words were written,O Giver of alms!"And then Abdulla walked with composed face between the two lines of men holding torches,and met Lakamba in front of the big fire that was crackling itself up into a great blaze.For a moment they stood with clasped hands invoking peace upon each other's head,then Lakamba,still holding his honoured guest by the hand,led him round the fire to the prepared seats.Babalatchi followed close behind his protector.Abdulla was accompanied by two Arabs.He,like his companions,was dressed in a white robe of starched muslin,which fell in stiff folds straight from the neck.It was buttoned from the throat halfway down with a close row of very small gold buttons;round the tight sleeves there was a narrow braid of gold lace.On his shaven head he wore a small skull-cap of plaited grass.He was shod in patent leather slippers over his naked feet.A rosary of heavy wooden beads hung by a round turn from his right wrist.He sat down slowly in the place of honour,and,dropping his slippers,tucked up his legs under him decorously.
The improvised divan was arranged in a wide semi-circle,of which the point most distant from the fire--some ten yards--was also the nearest to Lakamba's dwelling.As soon as the principal personages were seated,the verandah of the house was filled silently by the muffled-up forms of Lakamba's female belongings.
They crowded close to the rail and looked down,whispering faintly.Below,the formal exchange of compliments went on for some time between Lakamba and Abdulla,who sat side by side.
Babalatchi squatted humbly at his protector's feet,with nothing but a thin mat between himself and the hard ground.
Then there was a pause.Abdulla glanced round in an expectant manner,and after a while Babalatchi,who had been sitting very still in a pensive attitude,seemed to rouse himself with an effort,and began to speak in gentle and persuasive tones.He described in flowing sentences the first beginnings of Sambir,the dispute of the present ruler,Patalolo,with the Sultan of Koti,the consequent troubles ending with the rising of Bugis settlers under the leadership of Lakamba.At different points of the narrative he would turn for confirmation to Sahamin and Bahassoen,who sat listening eagerly and assented together with a "Betul!Betul!Right!Right!"ejaculated in a fervent undertone.
Warming up with his subject as the narrative proceeded,Babalatchi went on to relate the facts connected with Lingard's action at the critical period of those internal dissensions.He spoke in a restrained voice still,but with a growing energy of indignation.What was he,that man of fierce aspect,to keep all the world away from them?Was he a government?Who made him ruler?He took possession of Patalolo's mind and made his heart hard;he put severe words into his mouth and caused his hand to strike right and left.That unbeliever kept the Faithful panting under the weight of his senseless oppression.They had to trade with him--accept such goods as he would give--such credit as he would accord.And he exacted payment every year...
"Very true!"exclaimed Sahamin and Bahassoen together.
Babalatchi glanced at them approvingly and turned to Abdulla.
"Listen to those men,O Protector of the oppressed!"he exclaimed."What could we do?A man must trade.There was nobody else."Sahamin got up,staff in hand,and spoke to Abdulla with ponderous courtesy,emphasizing his words by the solemn flourishes of his right arm.
"It is so.We are weary of paying our debts to that white man here,who is the son of the Rajah Laut.That white man--may the grave of his mother be defiled!--is not content to hold us all in his hand with a cruel grasp.He seeks to cause our very death.
He trades with the Dyaks of the forest,who are no better than monkeys.He buys from them guttah and rattans--while we starve.
Only two days ago I went to him and said,'Tuan Almayer'--even so;we must speak politely to that friend of Satan--'Tuan Almayer,I have such and such goods to sell.Will you buy?'And he spoke thus--because those white men have no understanding of any courtesy--he spoke to me as if I was a slave:'Daoud,you are a lucky man'--remark,O First amongst the Believers!that by those words he could have brought misfortune on my head--'you are a lucky man to have anything in these hard times.Bring your goods quickly,and I shall receive them in payment of what you owe me from last year.'And he laughed,and struck me on the shoulder with his open hand.May Jehannum be his lot!""We will fight him,"said young Bahassoen,crisply."We shall fight if there is help and a leader.Tuan Abdulla,will you come among us?"Abdulla did not answer at once.His lips moved in an inaudible whisper and the beads passed through his fingers with a dry click.All waited in respectful silence."I shall come if my ship can enter this river,"said Abdulla at last,in a solemn tone.
"It can,Tuan,"exclaimed Babalatchi."There is a white man here who...""I want to see Omar el Badavi and that white man you wrote about,"interrupted Abdulla.