Our Outdoor Friends
There are two good ways of learning about the out-of-doors. The first way is to keep your eyes and ears open when you are in the fields and woods. Here you may watch the birds and listen to their songs. Oryou may watch a squirrel, or a frog, or some bees. Perhaps you may look for beautiful plants, and find out where and how they grow.
The second way to learn about out-of-door things is to read about them. Often this is the better way, because you can read about things that are hard to find.
You will be interested to know that two of the stories in this part of your book—“How Ethan Found a Pet”and“The Squirrel's Policeman”—are true. And all the other stories tell about things that you can watch for in fields or ponds or gardens.
While you are reading these stories, try to find out all you can about the outdoor world in the two ways told about on this page.