总策划 单晓鸣 陆卫东
producers: Shan Xiaoming Lu Weidong
策划 王少勇 王炜 翁晓云 丁锋
Producers: Wang Shaoyong Wang Wei Weng Xiaoyun Ding Feng
创意 董玉龙 姜海 王秋高 崔世莹
Creators: Dong Yulong Jiang Hai Wang Qiugao Cui Shiying
主编 董玉龙
Chief Editor: Dong Yulong
特约摄影 姜海 周皖芹 王秋高 周全 董玉龙 顾太山
Contributing Jiang Hai Zhou Wanqin Wang Qiugao Zhou Quan Dong Yulong Gu Taishan
陈月斌 保纪才 陈小龙 范海涛 崔恒春 彭江飞
Chen Yuebin Bao Jicai Chen Xiaolong Fan Haitao Cui Hengchun Peng Jiangfei
吕赟 胡仁杰
Lv Yun Hu Renjie
摄影 仇稳山 徐劲柏 陈顺源 顾俊 陈辉 王其银
Picture Qiu Wenshan Xu Jingbai Chen Shunyuan Gu Jun Chen Hui Wang Qiyin
Photographers: 李存兴 王承坚 顾华夏 徐剑 徐松山 姜东杰
Li Cunxing Wang Chengjian Gu Huaxia Xu Jian Xu Songshan Jiang Dongjie
崔世莹 徐瑞平 景圣红 向中林 韩雪峰
Cui Shiying Xu Ruiping Jing Shenghong Xiang Zhonglin Han Xuefeng
撰文 钱梅
Copywriter: Qian Mei
英文翻译 范晓红 黄东
Translators: Fan Xiaohong Huang Dong
英文审核 孙敏
Verifier: Sun Min
图片说明 董玉龙 周宏文 贲柠华
Caption Writer: Dong Yulong Zhou Hongwen Ben Ninghua
图片后期 陈小龙 董德霞
Post Production Artists: Cheng Xiaolong Dong Dexia
通联 程杰 涂祖凤 岳加华 崔广华
Communications and Liaison Officers: Chen Jie Tu Zufeng Yue Jiahua Cui Guanghua
支持 海安县摄影家协会
Supporter: Hai'an Photographers Society
Nourished by the warm sunlight
The golden seashore shines with splendor
Hopes and harvests embrace our vast land

黄海晨曦 董玉龙 摄
Dawn of the Yellow Sea Photo by Dong Yulong
Through the colorful rays of years
We overlook the whole city
After viewing the appealing scenes mixed with sweat and tears
We hear a florid musical passage
Flowing in the sky of the city

城市乐章 周全 摄
City's Music Photo by Zhou Quan
After you experienced prosperity and uproar
The most peaceful and gentlest place in your heart
Is the home where smoking is rising from the kitchen chimney

乡村晨景 陈小龙 摄
Village Morning Photo by Chen Xiaolong