Then it went quite properly as if with its master, and the cart went the right way into the forest. It so happened that just as he was turning a corner, and the little one was crying, gee up, two strange men came towards him. My word, said one of them, what is this. There is a cart coming, and a driver is calling to the horse and still he is not to be seen. That can't be right, said the other, we will follow the cart and see where it stops. The cart, however, drove right into the forest, and exactly to the place where the wood had been cut. When thumbling saw his father, he cried to him, do you see, father, here I am with the cart, now take me down. The father got hold of the horse with his left hand and with the right took his little son out of the ear. Thumbling sat down quite merrily on a straw, but when the two strange men saw him, they did not know what to say for astonishment. Then one of them took the other aside and said, listen, the little fellow would make our fortune if we exhibited him in a large town, for money. We will buy him. They went to the peasant and said, sell us the little man. He shall be well treated with us. No, replied the father, he is the apple of my eye, and all the money in the world cannot buy him from me.
Thumbling, however, when he heard of the bargain, had crept up the folds of his father's coat, placed himself on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear, father do give me away, I will soon come back again. Then the father parted with him to the two men for a handsome sum of money. Where will you sit, they said to him. Oh just set me on the rim of your hat, and then Ican walk backwards and forwards and look at the country, and still not fall down. They did as he wished, and when thumbling had taken leave of his father, they went away with him. They walked until it was dusk, and then the little fellow said, do take me down, it is necessary. Just stay up there, said the man on whose hat he sat, it makes no difference to me. The birds sometimes let things fall on me. No, said thumbling, Iknow what's manners, take me quickly down. The man took his hat off, and put the little fellow on the ground by the wayside, and he leapt and crept about a little between the sods, and then he suddenly slipped into a mousehole which he had sought out.
Good evening, gentlemen, just go home without me, he cried to them, and mocked them. They ran thither and stuck their sticks into the mousehole, but it was all in vain. Thumbling crept still farther in, and as it soon became quite dark, they were forced to go home with their vexation and their empty purses.
When thumbling saw that they were gone, he crept back out of the subterranean passage. It is so dangerous to walk on the ground in the dark, said he, how easily a neck or a leg is broken.
Fortunately he stumbled against an empty snail-shell. Thank God, said he, in that I can pass the night in safety. And got into it.
Not long afterwards, when he was just going to sleep, he heard two men go by, and one of them was saying, how shall we set about getting hold of the rich pastor's silver and gold. I could tell you that, cried thumbling, interrupting them. What was that, said one of the thieves in fright, I heard someone speaking. They stood still listening, and thumbling spoke again, and said, take me with you, and I'll help you.
But where are you. Just look on the ground, and observe from whence my voice comes, he replied. There the thieves at length found him, and lifted him up. You little imp, how will you help us, they said. Listen, said he, I will creep into the pastor's room through the iron bars, and will reach out to you whatever you want to have. Come then, they said, and we will see what you can do. When they got to the pastor's house, thumbling crept into the room, but instantly cried out with all his might, do you want to have everything that is here. The thieves were alarmed, and said, but do speak softly, so as not to waken any one. Thumbling however, behaved as if he had not understood this, and cried again, what do you want. Do you want to have everything that is here. The cook, who slept in the next room, heard this and sat up in bed, and listened. The thieves, however, had in their fright run some distance away, but at last they took courage, and thought, the little rascal wants to mock us. They came back and whispered to him, come be serious, and reach something out to us.
Then thumbling again cried as loudly as he could, I really will give you everything, just put your hands in. The maid who was listening, heard this quite distinctly, and jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. The thieves took flight, and ran as if the wild huntsman were behind them, but as the maid could not see anything, she went to strike a light. When she came to the place with it, thumbling, unperceived, betook himself to the granary, and the maid after she had examined every corner and found nothing, lay down in her bed again, and believed that, after all, she had only been dreaming with open eyes and ears.
Thumbling had climbed up among the hay and found a beautiful place to sleep in. There he intended to rest until day, and then go home again to his parents. But there were other things in store for him. Truly, there is much worry and affliction in this world. When the day dawned, the maid arose from her bed to feed the cows. Her first walk was into the barn, where she laid hold of an armful of hay, and precisely that very one in which poor thumbling was lying asleep. He, however, was sleeping so soundly that he was aware of nothing, and did not awake until he was in the mouth of the cow, who had picked him up with the hay.
Ah, heavens, cried he, how have I got into the fulling mill. But he soon discovered where he was. Then he had to take care not to let himself go between the teeth and be dismembered, but he was subsequently forced to slip down into the stomach with the hay.