When starting for Brussels he was a free man; and had he been wise he would have remained there, or at some equally safe distance from the lady's charms. Then, from a distance, he might have made his demand for money, and the elopement would have operated in his favour rather than otherwise. But he had come back, and had foolishly allowed himself to be persuaded to show himself at Queen's Gate. He had obeyed Traffick's advice, and now Traffick had simply thrown him over and quarrelled with him. He had too promised, in the presence both of the mother and the married sister, that he would marry the young lady without any regard to money. He felt it all and was very angry with himself, consoling himself as best he might with the reflection that Sir Thomas's money was certainly safe, and that Sir Thomas himself was a liberal man. In his present condition it would be well for him, he thought, to remain inactive and see what circumstances would do for him.
But circumstances very quickly became active. On his return to his lodgings, after leaving Mr Traffick, he found a note from Queen's Gate. "Dearest Ben -- Mamma wants you to come and lunch tomorrow. Papa has taken poor Tom down to Liverpool, and won't be back till dinner-time. -- G." He did not do as he was bid, alleging some engagement of business. But the persecution was continued in such a manner as to show him that all opposition on his part would be hopeless unless he were to proceed on some tour as prolonged as that of his future brother-in-law. "Come and walk at three o'clock in Kensington Gardens tomorrow." This was written on the Saturday after his note had been received.
What use would there be in continuing a vain fight? He was in their hands, and the more gracefully he yielded the more probable it would be that the father would evince his generosity at an early date. He therefore met his lady-love on the steps of the Albert Memorial, whither she had managed to take herself all alone from the door of the family mansion.
"Ben," she said, as she greeted him, "why did you not come for me to the house?""I thought you would like it best."
"Why should I like it best? Of course mamma knows all about it.
Augusta would have come with me just to see me here, only that she cannot walk out just at present." Then he said something to her about the Monument, expressed his admiration of the Prince's back, abused the east wind, remarked that the buds were coming on some of the trees, and suggested that the broad road along by the Round Pond would be drier than the little paths. It was not interesting, as Gertrude felt, but she had not expected him to be interesting. The interest she knew must be contributed by herself. "Ben," she said, "I was so happy to hear what you said to mamma the other day.""What did I say?"
"Why, of course, that, as papa has given his consent, our engagement is to go on just as if -- ""Just as if what?"
"As if we had found the clergyman at Ostend.""If we had done that we should have been married now," suggested Batsby.
"Exactly. And it's almost as good as being married -- isn't it?
"I suppose it comes to the same thing."
"Hadn't you better go to papa again and have it all finished?""He makes himself so very unpleasant."
"That's only because he wants to punish us for running away.
I suppose it was wrong. I shall never be sorry, because it made me know how very, very much you loved me. Didn't it make you feel how very, very dearly I loved you -- to trust myself all alone with you in that way?""Oh, yes; of course."
"And papa can't bite you, you know. You go to him, and tell him that you hope to be received in the house as my -- my future husband, you know.""Shall I say nothing else?"
"You mean about the day?"
"I was meaning about money."
"I don't think I would. He is very generous, but he does not like to be asked. When Augusta was to be married he arranged all that himself after they were engaged.""But Traffick demanded a certain sum?" This question Captain Batsby asked with considerable surprise, remembering what Mr Traffick had said to him in reference to Augusta's fortune.
"Not at all. Septimus knew nothing about it till after the engagement.
He was only too glad to get papa's consent. You mustn't believe all that Septimus says, you know. You may be sure of this --that you can trust papa's generosity." Then, before he landed her at the door in Queen's Gate, he had promised that he would make another journey to Lombard Street, with the express purpose of obtaining Sir Thomas's sanction to the marriage -- either with or without money.
"How are you again?" said Sir Thomas, when the Captain was for the third time shown into the little back parlour. "Have you had another trip to the continent since I saw you?" Sir Thomas was in a good humour. Tom had gone upon his travels; Mr Traffick had absolutely taken himself out of the house; and the millions were accommodating themselves comfortably.
"No, Sir Thomas; I haven't been abroad since then. I don't keep on going abroad constantly in that way.""And what can I do for you now?"
"Of course it's about your daughter. I want to have your permission to consider ourselves engaged.""I explained to you before that if you and Gertrude choose to marry each other I shall not stand in your way.""Thank you, Sir."
"I don't know that it is much to thank me for. Only that she made a fool of herself by running away with you I should have preferred to wait till some more sensible candidate had proposed himself for her hand. I don't suppose you'll ever set the Thames on fire.""I did very well in the army."