"A monster is born to thee that shall tame the rage of wild beasts, and crush with fierce mouth the fleet wolves."Then she added a little: "Take thou heed; from thee hath issued a bird of harm, in choler a wild screech-owl, in tongue a tuneful swan."On the morrow the king, when he had shaken off slumber, told the vision to a man skilled in interpretations, who explained the wolf to denote a son that would be truculent and the word swan as signifying a daughter; and foretold that the son would be deadly to enemies and the daughter treacherous to her father.The result answered to the prophecy.Hadding's daughter, Ulfhild, who was wife to a certain private person called Guthorm, was moved either by anger at her match, or with aspirations to glory, and throwing aside all heed of daughterly love, tempted her husband to slay her father; declaring that she preferred the name of queen to that of princess.I have resolved to set forth the manner of her exhortation almost in the words in which she uttered it; they were nearly these:
"Miserable am I, whose nobleness is shadowed by an unequal yoke!
Hapless am I, to whose pedigree is bound the lowliness of a peasant! Luckless issue of a king, to whom a common man is equal by law of marriage! Pitiable daughter of a prince, whose comeliness her spiritless father hath made over to base and contemptible embraces! Unhappy child of thy mother, with thy happiness marred by consorting with this bed! thy purity is handled by the impurity of a peasant, thy nobility is bowed down by ignoble commonness, thy high birth is impaired by the estate of thy husband! But thou, if any pith be in thee, if valour reign in thy soul at all, if thou deem thyself fit husband for a king's daughter, wrest the sceptre from her father, retrieve thy lineage by thy valour, balance with courage thy lack of ancestry, requite by bravery thy detriment of blood.Power won by daring is more prosperous than that won by inheritance.Boldness climbs to the top better than inheritance, and worth wins power better than birth.Moreover, it is no shame to overthrow old age, which of its own weight sinks and totters to its fall.It shall be enough for my father to have borne the sceptre for so long; let the dotard's power fall to thee; if it elude thee, it will pass to another.Whatsoever rests on old age is near its fall.Think that his reign has been long enough, and be it thine, though late in the day, to be first.Further, I would rather have my husband than my father king -- would rather be ranked a king's wife than daughter.It is better to embrace a monarch in one's home, than to give him homage from afar; it is nobler to be a king's bride than his courtier.Thou, too, must surely prefer thyself to thy wife's father for bearing the sceptre; for nature has made each one nearest to himself.If there be a will for the deed, a way will open; there is nothing but yields to the wit of man.The feast must be kept, the banquet decked, the preparations looked to, and my father bidden.The path to treachery shall be smoothed by a pretence of friendship, for nothing cloaks a snare better than the name of kindred.Also his soddenness shall open a short way to his slaughter; for when the king shall be intent upon the dressing of his hair, and his hand is upon his beard and his mind upon stories; when he has parted his knotted locks, either with hairpin or disentangling comb, then let him feel the touch of the steel in his flesh.Busy men commonly devise little precaution.Let thy hand draw near to punish all his sins.It is a righteous deed to put forth thy hand to avenge the wretched!"Thus Ulfhild importuned, and her husband was overcome by her promptings, and promised his help to the treachery.But meantime Hadding was warned in a dream to beware of his son-in-law's guile.He went to the feast, which his daughter had made ready for him with a show of love, and posted an armed guard hard by to use against the treachery when need was.As he ate, the henchman who was employed to do the deed of guile silently awaited a fitting moment for his crime, his dagger hid under his robe.The king, remarking him, blew on the trumpet a signal to the soldiers who were stationed near; they straightway brought aid, and he made the guile recoil on its deviser.
Meanwhile Hunding, King of the Swedes, heard false tidings that Hadding was dead, and resolved to greet them with obsequies.So he gathered his nobles together, and filled a jar of extraordinary size with ale, and had this set in the midst of the feasters for their delight, and, to omit no mark of solemnity, himself assumed a servant's part, not hesitating to play the cupbearer.And while he was passing through the palace in fulfilment of his office, he stumbled and fell into the jar, and, being choked by the liquor, gave up the ghost; thus atoning either to Orcus, whom he was appeasing by a baseless performance of the rites, or to Hadding, about whose death he had spoken falsely.Hadding, when he heard this, wished to pay like thanks to his worshipper, and, not enduring to survive his death, hanged himself in sight of the whole people.
HADDING was succeeded by FRODE, his son, whose fortunes were many and changeful.When he had passed the years of a stripling, he displayed the fulness of a warrior's prowess; and being loth that this should be spoilt by slothfulness, he sequestered his mind from delights and perseveringly constrained it to arms.Warfare having drained his father's treasury, he lacked a stock of pay to maintain his troops, and cast about diligently for the supplies that he required; and while thus employed, a man of the country met him and roused his hopes by the following strain: