I wish I'd thought to telegraph it to them.""Wouldn't have done," said Boardman. "It would have given 'em time to formulate questions and conjectures, and now the astonishment will take their breath away till you can get your second wind, and then--you'll be all right.""You think so?" asked Dan submissively.
"Know so. You see, if you could have had it over in a flash, it would have knocked you flat. But now you've taken all the little steps, and you've got a lot more to take, and you're all braced up. See? You're like rock, now--adamant." Dan laughed in forlorn perception of Boardman's affectionate irony. "Little steps are the thing. You'll have to go in now and meet your family, and pass the time of day with each one, and talk about the weather, and account for my being along, and ask how they all are; and by the time you've had dinner, and got settled with your legs out in front of the fire, you'll be just in the mood for it. Enjoy telling them all about it.""Don't, Boardman," pleaded Dan. "Boardy, I believe if I could get in and up to my room without anybody's seeing me, I'd let you tell them. There don't seem to be anybody about, and I think we could manage it.""It wouldn't work," said Boardman. "Got to do it yourself.""Well, then, wait a minute," said Dan desperately; and Boardman knew that he was to stay outside while Dan reconnoitred the interior. Dan opened one door after another till he stood within the hot brilliantly lighted hall. Eunice Mavering was coming down the stairs, hooded and wrapped for a walk on the long verandahs before supper.
"Dan!" she cried.
"It's all up, Eunice," he said at once, as if she had asked him about it.
"My engagement's off."
"Oh, I'm so glad!" She descended upon him with outstretched arms, but stopped herself before she reached him. "It's a hoax. What do you mean?
Do you really mean it, Dan?"
"I guess I mean it. But don't--Hold on! Where's Minnie?"Eunice turned, and ran back upstairs. "Minnie! Min!" she called on her way. "Dan's engagement's off.""I don't believe it!" answered Minnie's voice joyously, from within some room. It was followed by her presence, with successive inquiries. "How do you know?" Did you get a letter? When did it happen? Oh, isn't it too good?"Minnie was also dressed for the verandah promenade, which they always took when the snow was too deep. She caught sight of her brother as she came down. "Why, Dan's here! Dan, I've been thinking about you all day." She kissed him, which Eunice was now reminded to do too.
"Yes, it's true, Minnie," said Dan gravely. "I came up to tell you. It don't seem to distress you much.""Dan!" said his sister reproachfully. "You know I didn't mean to say anything I only felt so glad to have you back again.""I understand, Minnie--I don't dame you. It's all right. How's mother?"Father up from the works yet? I'm going to my room.""Indeed you're not!" cried Eunice, with elder sisterly authority. "You shall tell us about it first.""Oh no! Let him go, Eunice!" pleaded Minnie, "Poor Dan! And I don't think we ought to go to walk when--"Dan's eyes dimmed, and his voice weakened a little at her sympathy. "Yes, go. I'm tired--that's all. There isn't anything to tell you, hardly.
Miss Pasmer--"
"Why, he's pale!" cried Minnie. "Eunice!""Oh, it's just the heat in here." Dan really felt a little sick and faint with it, but he was not sorry to seem affected by the day's strain upon his nerves.
The girls began to take off their wraps. "Don't. I'll go with you.
Boardman's out there."
"Boardman! What nonsense!" exclaimed Eunice.
"He'll like to hear your opinion of it," Dan began; but his sister pulled the doors open, and ran out to see if he really meant that too.
Whether Boardman had heard her, or had discreetly withdrawn out of earshot at the first sound of voices, she could not tell, but she found him some distance away from the snow-box on the piazza. "Dan's just managed to tell us you were here," she said, giving him her hand. "I'm glad to see you. Do come in.""Come along as a sort of Job's comforter," Boardman explained, as he followed her in; and he had the silly look that the man who feels himself superfluous must wear.
"Then you know about it?" said Eunice, while Minnie Mavering and he were shaking hands.
"Yes, Boardman knows; he can tell you about it," said Dan, from the hall chair he had dropped into. He rose and made his way to the stairs, with the effect of leaving the whole thing to them.
His sisters ran after him, and got him upstairs and into his room, with Boardman's semi-satirical connivance, and Eunice put up the window, while Minnie went to get some cologne to wet his forehead. Their efforts were so successful that he revived sufficiently to drive them out of his room, and make them go and show Boardman to his.
"You know the way, Mr. Boardman," said Eunice, going before him, while Minnie followed timorously, but curious for what he should say. She lingered on the threshold, while her sister went in and pulled the electric apparatus which lighted the gas-burners. "I suppose Dan didn't break it?" she said, turning sharply upon him.
"No; and I don't think he was to blame," said Boardman, inferring her reserved anxiety.
"Oh, I'm quite sure of that," said Eunice, rejecting what she had asked for. "You'll find everything, Mr. Boardman. It was kind of you to come with Dan. Supper's at seven.""How severe you were with him!" murmured Minnie, following her away.
"Severe with Dan?"
"No--with Mr. Boardman."
"What nonsense! I had to be. I couldn't let him defend Dan to me.
Couple of silly boys!"
After a moment Minnie said, "I don't think he's silly.""Who?"
"Mr. Boardman."
"Well, Dan is, then, to bring him at such a time. But I suppose he felt that he couldn't get here without him. What a boy! Think of such a child being engaged! I hope we shan't hear any more of such nonsense for one while again--at least till Dan's got his growth."They went down into the library, where, in their excitement, they sat down with most of their outdoor things on.