I had no suspicion then how momentous they were,but afterwards I had occasion to rue them.
As soon as the dusk of evening fell,I ordered the Cossack to heat the teapot,campaign fashion.
I lighted a candle and sat down by the table,smoking my travelling-pipe.I was just about to finish my second tumbler of tea when suddenly the door creaked and I heard behind me the sound of footsteps and the light rustle of a dress.
I started and turned round.
It was she --my Undine.Softly and without saying a word she sat down opposite to me and fixed her eyes upon me.Her glance seemed wondrously tender,I know not why;it re-minded me of one of those glances which,in years gone by,so despotically played with my life.She seemed to be waiting for a question,but I kept silence,filled with an inexplicable sense of embarrassment.Mental agitation was evinced by the dull pallor which overspread her countenance;her hand,which I noticed was trembling slightly,moved aimlessly about the table.At one time her breast heaved,and at another she seemed to be holding her breath.
This little comedy was beginning to pall upon me,and I was about to break the silence in a most prosaic manner,that is,by offering her a glass of tea;when suddenly,springing up,she threw her arms around my neck,and I felt her moist,fiery lips pressed upon mine.Darkness came before my eyes,my head began to swim.
I embraced her with the whole strength of youthful passion.But,like a snake,she glided from between my arms,whispering in my ear as she did so:
"To-night,when everyone is asleep,go out to the shore."Like an arrow she sprang from the room.
In the hall she upset the teapot and a candle which was standing on the floor.
"Little devil!"cried the Cossack,who had taken up his position on the straw and had contemplated warming himself with the remains of the tea.
It was only then that I recovered my senses.
In about two hours'time,when all had grown silent in the harbour,I awakened my Cossack.
"If I fire a pistol,"I said,"run to the shore."He stared open-eyed and answered mechanic-ally:
"Very well,sir."
I stuffed a pistol in my belt and went out.She was waiting for me at the edge of the cliff.Her attire was more than light,and a small kerchief girded her supple waist.
"Follow me!"she said,taking me by the hand,and we began to descend.
I cannot understand how it was that I did not break my neck.Down below we turned to the right and proceeded to take the path along which I had followed the blind boy the evening before.
The moon had not yet risen,and only two little stars,like two guardian lighthouses,were twink-ling in the dark-blue vault of heaven.The heavy waves,with measured and even motion,rolled one after the other,scarcely lifting the solitary boat which was moored to the shore.
"Let us get into the boat,"said my com-panion.
I hesitated.I am no lover of sentimental trips on the sea;but this was not the time to draw back.She leaped into the boat,and Iafter her;and I had not time to recover my wits before I observed that we were adrift.
"What is the meaning of this?"I said angrily.
"It means,"she answered,seating me on the bench and throwing her arms around my waist,"it means that I love you!"...
Her cheek was pressed close to mine.and I felt her burning breath upon my face.Suddenly something fell noisily into the water.I clutched at my belt --my pistol was gone!Ah,now a terrible suspicion crept into my soul,and the blood rushed to my head!I looked round.We were about fifty fathoms from the shore,and I could not swim a stroke!I tried to thrust her away from me,but she clung like a cat to my clothes,and suddenly a violent wrench all but threw me into the sea.The boat rocked,but Irighted myself,and a desperate struggle began.
Fury lent me strength,but I soon found that I was no match for my opponent in point of agility...
"What do you want?"I cried,firmly squeezing her little hands.
Her fingers crunched,but her serpent-like nature bore up against the torture,and she did not utter a cry.