Never before had such a day dawned upon Kaskaskia.
With July fierceness the sun beat down upon the village, but man nor woman nor child stirred from the darkened houses.What they awaited at the hands of the Long Knives they knew not,--captivity, torture, death perhaps.
Through the deserted streets stalked a squad of backwoodsmen headed by John Duff and two American traders found in the town, who were bestirring themselves in our behalf, knocking now at this door and anon at that.
``The Colonel bids you come to the fort,'' he said, and was gone.
The church bell rang with slow, ominous strokes, far different from its gentle vesper peal of yesterday.Two companies were drawn up in the sun before the old Jesuit house, and presently through the gate a procession came, grave and mournful.The tone of it was sombre in the white glare, for men had donned their best (as they thought) for the last time,--cloth of camlet and Cadiz and Limbourg, white cotton stockings, and brass-buckled shoes.They came like captives led to execution.But at their head a figure held our eye,--a figure that spoke of dignity and courage, of trials borne for others.It was the village priest in his robes.He had a receding forehead and a strong, pointed chin; but benevolence was in the curve of his great nose.I have many times since seen his type of face in the French prints.He and his flock halted before our young Colonel, even as the citizens of Calais in a bygone century must have stood before the English king.
The scene comes back to me.On the one side, not the warriors of a nation that has made its mark in war, but peaceful peasants who had sought this place for its remoteness from persecution, to live and die in harmony with all mankind.On the other, the sinewy advance guard of a race that knows not peace, whose goddess of liberty carries in her hand a sword.The plough might have been graven on our arms, but always the rifle.
The silence of the trackless wilds reigned while Clark gazed at them sternly.And when he spoke it was with the voice of a conqueror, and they listened as the conquered listen, with heads bowed--all save the priest.
Clark told them first that they had been given a false and a wicked notion of the American cause, and he spoke of the tyranny of the English king, which had become past endurance to a free people.As for ourselves, the Long Knives, we came in truth to conquer, and because of their hasty judgment the Kaskaskians were at our mercy.The British had told them that the Kentuckians were a barbarous people, and they had believed.
He paused that John Duff might translate and the gist of what he had said sink in.But suddenly the priest had stepped out from the ranks, faced his people, and was himself translating in a strong voice.When he had finished a tremor shook the group.But he turned calmly and faced Clark once more.
``Citizens of Kaskaskia,'' Colonel Clark went on, ``the king whom you renounced when the English conquered you, the great King of France, has judged for you and the French people.Knowing that the American cause is just, he is sending his fleets and regiments to fight for it against the British King, who until now has been your sovereign.''
Again he paused, and when the priest had told them this, a murmur of astonishment came from the boldest.
``Citizens of Kaskaskia, know you that the Long Knives come not to massacre, as you foolishly believed, but to release from bondage.We are come not against you, who have been deceived, but against those soldiers of the British King who have bribed the savages to slaughter our wives and children.You have but to take the oath of allegiance to the Continental Congress to become free, even as we are, to enjoy the blessings of that American government under which we live and for which we fight.''
The face of the good priest kindled as he glanced at Clark.He turned once more, and though we could not understand his words, the thrill of his eloquence moved us.And when he had finished there was a moment's hush of inarticulate joy among his flock, and then such transports as moved strangely the sternest men in our ranks.The simple people fell to embracing each other and praising God, the tears running on their cheeks.Out of the group came an old man.A skullcap rested on his silvered hair, and he felt the ground uncertainly with his gold-headed stick.
``Monsieur,'' he said tremulously ``you will pardon an old man if he show feeling.I am born seventy year ago in Gascon.I inhabit this country thirty year, and last night I think I not live any longer.Last night we make our peace with the good God, and come here to-day to die.
But we know you not,'' he cried, with a sudden and surprising vigor; ``ha, we know you not! They told us lies, and we were humble and believed.But now we are Americains,'' he cried, his voice pitched high, as he pointed with a trembling arm to the stars and stripes above him.
``Mes enfants, vive les Bostonnais! Vive les Americains!
Vive Monsieur le Colonel Clark, sauveur de Kaskaskia!''
The listening village heard the shout and wondered.
And when it had died down Colonel Clark took the old Gascon by the hand, and not a man of his but saw that this was a master-stroke of his genius.
``My friends,'' he said simply, ``I thank you.I would not force you, and you will have some days to think over the oath of allegiance to the Republic.Go now to your homes, and tell those who are awaiting you what I have said.And if any man of French birth wish to leave this place, he may go of his own free will, save only three whom I suspect are not our friends.''
They turned, and in an ecstasy of joy quite pitiful to see went trooping out of the gate.But scarce could they have reached the street and we have broken ranks, when we saw them coming back again, the priest leading them as before.They drew near to the spot where Clark stood, talking to the captains, and halted expectantly.
``What is it, my friends?'' asked the Colonel.
The priest came forward and bowed gravely.