"So young, -- it is impossible," said Mercedes, replying at the same time to what Albert said as well as to her own private reflection.
"It is the truth, however.Three or four times he has said to me, and certainly without the slightest premeditation, `at such a period I was five years old, at another ten years old, at another twelve,' and I, induced by curiosity, which kept me alive to these details, have compared the dates, and never found him inaccurate.The age of this singular man, who is of no age, is then, I am certain, thirty-five.
Besides, mother, remark how vivid his eye, how raven-black his hair, and his brow, though so pale, is free from wrinkles, -- he is not only vigorous, but also young." The countess bent her head, as if beneath a heavy wave of bitter thoughts."And has this man displayed a friendship for you, Albert?" she asked with a nervous shudder.
"I am inclined to think so."
"And -- do -- you -- like -- him?"
"Why, he pleases me in spite of Franz d'Epinay, who tries to convince me that he is a being returned from the other world." The countess shuddered."Albert," she said, in a voice which was altered by emotion, "I have always put you on your guard against new acquaintances.Now you are a man, and are able to give me advice; yet I repeat to you, Albert, be prudent.""Why, my dear mother, it is necessary, in order to make your advice turn to account, that I should know beforehand what Ihave to distrust.The count never plays, he only drinks pure water tinged with a little sherry, and is so rich that he cannot, without intending to laugh at me, try to borrow money.What, then, have I to fear from him?""You are right," said the countess, "and my fears are weakness, especially when directed against a man who has saved your life.How did your father receive him, Albert? It is necessary that we should be more than complaisant to the count.M.de Morcerf is sometimes occupied, his business makes him reflective, and he might, without intending it" --"Nothing could be in better taste than my father's demeanor, madame," said Albert; "nay, more, he seemed greatly flattered at two or three compliments which the count very skilfully and agreeably paid him with as much ease as if he had known him these thirty years.Each of these little tickling arrows must have pleased my father," added Albert with a laugh."And thus they parted the best possible friends, and M.de Morcerf even wished to take him to the Chamber to hear the speakers." The countess made no reply.
She fell into so deep a revery that her eyes gradually closed.The young man, standing up before her, gazed upon her with that filial affection which is so tender and endearing with children whose mothers are still young and handsome.Then, after seeing her eyes closed, and hearing her breathe gently, he believed she had dropped asleep, and left the apartment on tiptoe, closing the door after him with the utmost precaution."This devil of a fellow," he muttered, shaking his head; "I said at the time he would create a sensation here, and I measure his effect by an infallible thermometer.My mother has noticed him, and he must therefore, perforce, be remarkable." He went down to the stables, not without some slight annoyance, when he remembered that the Count of Monte Cristo had laid his hands on a "turnout" which sent his bays down to second place in the opinion of connoisseurs."Most decidedly," said he, "men are not equal, and I must beg my father to develop this theorem in the Chamber of Peers."