"Eh, it was that that did the business; after pitching heavily for twelve hours we sprung a leak.`Penelon,' said the captain, `I think we are sinking, give me the helm, and go down into the hold.' I gave him the helm, and descended;there was already three feet of water.`All hands to the pumps!' I shouted; but it was too late, and it seemed the more we pumped the more came in.`Ah,' said I, after four hours' work, `since we are sinking, let us sink; we can die but once.' `That's the example you set, Penelon,' cries the captain; `very well, wait a minute.' He went into his cabin and came back with a brace of pistols.`I will blow the brains out of the first man who leaves the pump,' said he.""Well done!" said the Englishman.
"There's nothing gives you so much courage as good reasons,"continued the sailor; "and during that time the wind had abated, and the sea gone down, but the water kept rising;not much, only two inches an hour, but still it rose.Two inches an hour does not seem much, but in twelve hours that makes two feet, and three we had before, that makes five.
`Come,' said the captain, `we have done all in our power, and M.Morrel will have nothing to reproach us with, we have tried to save the ship, let us now save ourselves.To the boats, my lads, as quick as you can.' Now," continued Penelon, "you see, M.Morrel, a sailor is attached to his ship, but still more to his life, so we did not wait to be told twice; the more so, that the ship was sinking under us, and seemed to say, `Get along -- save yourselves.' We soon launched the boat, and all eight of us got into it.The captain descended last, or rather, he did not descend, he would not quit the vessel; so I took him round the waist, and threw him into the boat, and then I jumped after him.It was time, for just as I jumped the deck burst with a noise like the broadside of a man-of-war.Ten minutes after she pitched forward, then the other way, spun round and round, and then good-by to the Pharaon.As for us, we were three days without anything to eat or drink, so that we began to think of drawing lots who should feed the rest, when we saw La Gironde; we made signals of distress, she perceived us, made for us, and took us all on board.There now, M.Morrel, that's the whole truth, on the honor of a sailor; is not it true, you fellows there?" A general murmur of approbation showed that the narrator had faithfully detailed their misfortunes and sufferings.
"Well, well," said M.Morrel, "I know there was no one in fault but destiny.It was the will of God that this should happen, blessed be his name.What wages are due to you?""Oh, don't let us talk of that, M.Morrel.""Yes, but we will talk of it."
"Well, then, three months," said Penelon.
"Cocles, pay two hundred francs to each of these good fellows," said Morrel."At another time," added be, "Ishould have said, Give them, besides, two hundred francs over as a present; but times are changed, and the little money that remains to me is not my own."Penelon turned to his companions, and exchanged a few words with them.
"As for that, M.Morrel," said he, again turning his quid, "as for that" --"As for what?"
"The money."
"Well" --
"Well, we all say that fifty francs will be enough for us at present, and that we will wait for the rest.""Thanks, my friends, thanks!" cried Morrel gratefully; "take it -- take it; and if you can find another employer, enter his service; you are free to do so." These last words produced a prodigious effect on the seaman.Penelon nearly swallowed his quid; fortunately he recovered."What, M.