It was indeed strange that this soft-voiced, portly creature in a gown, with his white, fat hands and his feline suavity of manner, should produce such a commanding and unique effect of virility.No doubt this was a part of the great sex mystery which historically surrounded the figure of the celibate priest as with an atmosphere.
Women had always been prostrating themselves before it.
Theron, watching his companion's full, pallid face in the lamp-light, tried to fancy himself in the priest's place, looking down upon these worshipping female forms.
He wondered what the celibate's attitude really was.
The enigma fascinated him.
Father Forbes, after his rhetorical outburst, and been eating.
He pushed aside his cheese-plate."I grow enthusiastic on the subject of my race sometimes," he remarked, with the suggestion of an apology."But I make up for it other times--most of the time--by scolding them.
If it were not such a noble thing to be an Irishman, it would be ridiculous.""Ah," said Theron, deprecatingly, "who would not be enthusiastic in talking of Miss Madden? What you said about her was perfect.As you spoke, I was thinking how proud and thankful we ought to be for the privilege of knowing her--we who do know her well--although of course your friendship with her is vastly more intimate than mine--than mine could ever hope to be."
The priest offered no comment, and Theron went on:
"I hardly know how to describe the remarkable impression she makes upon me.I can't imagine to myself any other young woman so brilliant or broad in her views, or so courageous.
Of course, her being so rich makes it easier for her to do just what she wants to do, but her bravery is astonishing all the same.We had a long and very sympathetic talk in the woods, that day of the picnic, after we left you.
I don't know whether she spoke to you about it?"Father Forbes made a movement of the head and eyes which seemed to negative the suggestion.
"Her talk," continued Theron, "gave me quite new ideas of the range and capacity of the female mind.
I wonder that everybody in Octavius isn't full of praise and admiration for her talents and exceptional character.
In such a small town as this, you would think she would be the centre of attention--the pride of the place.""I think she has as much praise as is good for her,"remarked the priest, quietly.
"And here's a thing that puzzles me," pursued Mr.Ware.
"I was immensely surprised to find that Dr.Ledsmar doesn't even think she is smart--or at least he professes the utmost intellectual contempt for her, and says he dislikes her into the bargain.But of course she dislikes him, too, so that's only natural.But I can't understand his denying her great ability."The priest smiled in a dubious way."Don't borrow unnecessary alarm about that, Mr.Ware," he said, with studied smoothness of modulated tones."These two good friends of mine have much enjoyment out of the idea that they are fighting for the mastery over my poor unstable character.It has grown to be a habit with them, and a hobby as well, and they pursue it with tireless zest.
There are not many intellectual diversions open to us here, and they make the most of this one.It amuses them, and it is not without its charms for me, in my capacity as an interested observer.It is a part of the game that they should pretend to themselves that they detest each other.
In reality I fancy that they like each other very much.
At any rate, there is nothing to be disturbed about."His mellifluous tones had somehow the effect of suggesting to Theron that he was an outsider and would better mind his own business.Ah, if this purring pussy-cat of a priest only knew how little of an outsider he really was!
The thought gave him an easy self-control.
"Of course," he said, "our warm mutual friendship makes the observation of these little individual vagaries merely a part of a delightful whole.I should not dream of discussing Miss Madden's confidences to me, or the doctor's either, outside our own little group."Father Forbes reached behind him and took from a chair his black three-cornered cap with the tassel.
"Unfortunately I have a sick call waiting me," he said, gathering up his gown and slowly rising.
"Yes, I saw the man sitting in the hall," remarked Theron, getting to his feet.
"I would ask you to go upstairs and wait," the priest went on, "but my return, unhappily, is quite uncertain.
Another evening I may be more fortunate.I am leaving town tomorrow for some days, but when I get back--"The polite sentence did not complete itself.Father Forbes had come out into the hall, giving a cool nod to the working-man, who rose from the bench as they passed, and shook hands with his guest on the doorstep.
When the door had closed upon Mr.Ware, the priest turned to the man."You have come about those frames," he said.
"If you will come upstairs, I will show you the prints, and you can give me a notion of what can be done with them.
I rather fancy the idea of a triptych in carved old English, if you can manage it."After the workman had gone away, Father Forbes put on slippers and an old loose soutane, lighted a cigar, and, pushing an easy-chair over to the reading lamp, sat down with a book.Then something occurred to him, and he touched the house-bell at his elbow.
"Maggie," he said gently, when the housekeeper appeared at the door, "I will have the coffee and FINE CHAMPAGNE up here, if it is no trouble.And--oh, Maggie--I was compelled this evening to turn the blameless visit of the framemaker into a venial sin, and that involves a needless wear and tear of conscience.I think that--hereafter--you understand?--I am not invariably at home when the Rev.Mr.Ware does me the honor to call."