第53章 A Peace Which Meant War (4)
The insurgents fought in small groups and generally under local chieftains.Their advantage lay in their thorough knowledge of the country and in the sympathy of a part of the population and the fear of another part, for outlaws living in concealment and moving in the dark can often inspire a terror which regular troops under discipline fail to engender.The Americans could not trust the natives, as it was impossible to tell the truthful from the treacherous.Nevertheless it was a kind of fighting which gave unusual scope for that American individualism, so strongly represented in the army, to which the romance of precisely this sort of thing had drawn just the class of men best fitted for the work.Scouting, counter scouting, surprise attacks, and ambuscades formed the daily news transmitted from the front--affairs not of regiments and companies but of squads and individuals.When face to face, however, the Filipinos seldom stood their ground, and the American ingenuity and eager willingness to attempt any new thing gradually got the better of the local knowledge and unscrupulousness as to the laws of war which had at first, given the natives an advantage.Funston, now Brigadier General, and his "suicide squad" continued to play an active part, but a similar spirit of daring and ingenuity pervaded the whole army.
Broken as were the Filipino field forces and widening as was the area of peace, the result of the island campaign was still uncertain.It rested upon two unknown quantities.The first was the nature of the Filipinos.Would they remain irreconcilable, ever ready to take advantage of a moment of weakness? If such were to be the case, we could look for no real conquest, but only a forcible occupation, which the people of the United States would never consent to maintain.The second unknown quantity was the American people themselves.Would they sustain the occupation sufficiently long to give a reasonable test of the possibilities of success?
Two events brought these uncertainties to an end.In the first place, William Jennings Bryan was defeated for the presidency in November, 1900, and President McKinley was given four more years in which to complete the experiment.In the second place, on March 23, 1901, Aguinaldo, who had been long in concealment, was captured.Though there had long been no possibility of really commanding the insurgent forces as a whole, Aguinaldo had remained the center of revolt and occasionally showed his hand, as in the attempt to negotiate a peace on the basis of independence.In February an intercepted letter had given a clue to his hiding place.Funston, in spite of his new rank, determined personally to undertake the capture.The signature of Lacuna, one of the insurgent leaders, was forged and letters were sent to Aguinaldo informing him of the capture of five Americans, who were being sent to headquarters.Among the five was Funston himself.The "insurgent" guard, clad in captured uniforms, consisted for the most part of Macabebes, hereditary enemies of the Tagalogs--for the Americans had now learned the Roman trick of using one people against another.The ruse succeeded perfectly.The guard and its supposed prisoners were joyfully received by Aguinaldo, but the tables were quickly turned and Aguinaldo's capture was promptly effected.
On the 19th of April, Aguinaldo wrote: "After mature deliberation, I resolutely proclaim to the world that I cannot refuse to heed the voice of a people longing for peace, nor the lamentations of thousands of families yearning to see their dear ones enjoying the liberty and promised generosity of the great American nation.By acknowledging and accepting the sovereignty of the United States throughout the Philippine Archipelago, as Inow do, and without any reservation whatsoever, I believe that Iam serving thee, my beloved country."
On the 19th of May, General Wheaton, Chief of Staff in the Philippines, sent the following dispatch to Washington: "Lacuna having surrendered with all his officers and men today, I report that all insurrectionary leaders in this department have been captured or have surrendered.This is the termination of the state of war in this department so far as armed resistance to the authority of the United States is concerned."There was subsequent fighting with other tribes and in other islands, particularly with the Moros of the Sulu group, but by the time Aguinaldo had accepted American rule, the uncertainty of the American people had been resolved, and the execution of the treaty with Spain had been actually accomplished.As seventy thousand troops were no longer needed in the islands, the volunteers and many of the regulars were sent home, and there began an era of peace such as the Philippines had never before known.