For a moment she answered nothing; then she broke out: "Do you think it good for me suddenly to be made so rich? Henrietta doesn't.""Oh, hang Henrietta!" said Ralph coarsely."If you ask me I'm delighted at it.""Is that why your father did it- for your amusement?""I differ with Miss Stackpole," Ralph went on more gravely."I think it very good for you to have means."Isabel looked at him with serious eyes."I wonder whether you know what's good for me- or whether you care.""If I know depend upon it I care.Shall I tell you what it is? Not to torment yourself.""Not to torment you, I suppose you mean.""You can't do that; I'm proof.Take things more easily.Don't ask yourself so much whether this or that is good for you.Don't question your conscience so much- it will get out of tune like a strummed piano.Keep it for great occasions.Don't try so much to form your character- it's like trying to pull open a tight, tender young rose.Live as you like best, and your character will take care of itself.Most things are good for you; the exceptions are very rare, and a comfortable income's not one of them." Ralph paused, smiling;Isabel had listened quickly."You've too much power of thought-above all too much conscience," Ralph added."It's out of all reason, the number of things you think wrong.Put back your watch.
Diet your fever.Spread your wings; rise above the ground.It's never wrong to do that."She had listened eagerly, as I say; and it was her nature to understand quickly."I wonder if you appreciate what you say.If you do, you take a great responsibility.""You frighten me a little, but I think I'm right," said Ralph, persisting in cheer.
"All the same what you say is very true," Isabel pursued."You could say nothing more true.I'm absorbed in myself- I look at life too much as a doctor's prescription.Why indeed should we perpetually be thinking whether things are good for us, as if we were patients lying in a hospital? Why should I be so afraid of not doing right?
As if it mattered to the world whether I do right or wrong!""You're a capital person to advise," said Ralph; "you take the wind out of my sails!"She looked at him as if she had not heard him- though she was following out the train of reflexion which he himself had kindled.
"I try to care more about the world than about myself- but I always come back to myself.It's because I'm afraid." She stopped; her voice had trembled a little."Yes, I'm afraid; I can't tell you.Alarge fortune means freedom, and I'm afraid of that.It's such a fine thing, and one should make such a good use of it.If one shouldn't one would be ashamed.And one must keep thinking; it's a constant effort.I'm not sure it's not a greater happiness to be powerless.""For weak people I've no doubt it's a greater happiness.For weak people the effort not to be contemptible must be great.""And how do you know I'm not weak?" Isabel asked.