Suddenly, none the less, his gravity returned."Bantling's a man of courage.But if the invitation should get lost on the way?""I thought the British post-office was impeccable.""The good Homer sometimes nods," said Ralph."However," he went on more brightly, "the good Bantling never does, and, whatever happens, he'll take care of Henrietta."Ralph went to keep his appointment with Sir Matthew Hope, and Isabel made her arrangements for quitting Pratt's Hotel.Her uncle's danger touched her nearly, and while she stood before her open trunk, looking about her vaguely for what she should put into it, the tears suddenly rose to her eyes.It was perhaps for this reason that when Ralph came back at two o'clock to take her to the station she was not yet ready.He found Miss Stackpole, however, in the sitting-room, where she had just risen from her luncheon, and this lady immediately expressed her regret at his father's illness.
"He's a grand old man," she said; "he's faithful to the last.If it's really to be the last- pardon my alluding to it, but you must often have thought of the possibility- I'm sorry that I shall not be at Gardencourt.""You'll amuse yourself much more in Bedfordshire.""I shall be sorry to amuse myself at such a time," said Henrietta with much propriety.But she immediately added: "I should like so to commemorate the closing scene.""My father may live a long time," said Ralph simply.Then, adverting to topics more cheerful, he interrogated Miss Stackpole as to her own future.
Now that Ralph was in trouble she addressed him in a tone of larger allowance and told him that she was much indebted to him for having made her acquainted with Mr.Bantling."He has told me just the things I want to know," she said; "all the society-items and all about the royal family.I can't make out that what he tells me about the royal family is much to their credit; but he says that's only my peculiar way of looking at it.Well, all I want is that he should give me the facts; I can put them together quick enough, once I've got them." And she added that Mr.Bantling had been so good as to promise to come and take her out that afternoon.
"To take you where?" Ralph ventured to enquire.
"To Buckingham Palace.He's going to show me over it, so that Imay get some idea how they live."
"Ah," said Ralph, "we leave you in good hands.The first thing we shall hear is that you're invited to Windsor Castle.""If they ask me, I shall certainly go.Once I get started I'm not afraid.But for all that," Henrietta added in a moment, "I'm not satisfied; I'm not at peace about Isabel.""What is her last misdemeanour?"
"Well, I've told you before, and I suppose there's no harm in my going on.I always finish a subject that I take up.Mr.Goodwood was here last night."Ralph opened his eyes; he even blushed a little- his blush being the sign of an emotion somewhat acute.He remembered that Isabel, in separating from him in Winchester Square, had repudiated his suggestion that her motive in doing so was the expectation of a visitor at Prates Hotel, and it was a new pang to him to have to suspect her of duplicity.On the other hand, he quickly said to himself, what concern was it of his that she should have made an appointment with a lover? Had it not been thought graceful in every age that young ladies should make a mystery of such appointments?
Ralph gave Miss Stackpole a diplomatic answer."I should have thought that, with the views you expressed to me the other day, this would satisfy you perfectly.""That he should come to see her? That was very well, as far as it went.It was a little plot of mine; I let him know that we were in London, and when it had been arranged that I should spend the evening out I sent him a word- the word we just utter to the 'wise.' Ihoped he would find her alone; I won't pretend I didn't hope that you'd be out of the way.He came to see her, but he might as well have stayed away.""Isabel was cruel?"- and Ralph's face lighted with the relief of his cousin's not having shown duplicity.
"I don't exactly know what passed between them.But she gave him no satisfaction- she sent him back to America.""Poor Mr.Goodwood!" Ralph sighed.
"Her only idea seems to be to get rid of him," Henrietta went on.
"Poor Mr.Goodwood!" Ralph repeated.The exclamation, it must be confessed, was automatic; it failed exactly to express his thoughts, which were taking another line.
"You don't say that as if you felt it.I don't believe you care.""Ah," said Ralph, "you must remember that I don't know this interesting young man- that I've never seen him.""Well, I shall see him, and I shall tell him not to give up.If Ididn't believe Isabel would come round," Miss Stackpole added-"well, I'd give up myself.I mean I'd give her up!"