The little immortals had set themselves a difficult task;for although they had assisted Santa Claus on many of his journeys,their master had always directed and guided them and told them exactly what he wished them to do.But now they had to distribute the toys according to their own judgment,and they did not understand children as well as did old Santa.So it is no wonder they made some laughable errors.
Mamie Brown,who wanted a doll,got a drum instead;and a drum is of no use to a girl who loves dolls.And Charlie Smith,who delights to romp and play out of doors,and who wanted some new rubber boots to keep his feet dry,received a sewing box filled with colored worsteds and threads and needles,which made him so provoked that he thoughtlessly called our dear Santa Claus a fraud.
Had there been many such mistakes the Daemons would have accomplished their evil purpose and made the children unhappy.But the little friends of the absent Santa Claus labored faithfully and intelligently to carry out their master's ideas,and they made fewer errors than might be expected under such unusual circumstances.
And,although they worked as swiftly as possible,day had begun to break before the toys and other presents were all distributed;so for the first time in many years the reindeer trotted into the Laughing Valley,on their return,in broad daylight,with the brilliant sun peeping over the edge of the forest to prove they were far behind their accustomed hours.
Having put the deer in the stable,the little folk began to wonder how they might rescue their master;and they realized they must discover,first of all,what had happened to him and where he was.
So Wisk the Fairy transported himself to the bower of the Fairy Queen,which was located deep in the heart of the Forest of Burzee;and once there,it did not take him long to find out all about the naughty Daemons and how they had kidnapped the good Santa Claus to prevent his making children happy.The Fairy Queen also promised her assistance,and then,fortified by this powerful support,Wisk flew back to where Nuter and Peter and Kilter awaited him,and the four counseled together and laid plans to rescue their master from his enemies.
It is possible that Santa Claus was not as merry as usual during the night that succeeded his capture.For although he had faith in the judgment of his little friends he could not avoid a certain amount of worry,and an anxious look would creep at times into his kind old eyes as he thought of the disappointment that might await his dear little children.And the Daemons,who guarded him by turns,one after another,did not neglect to taunt him with contemptuous words in his helpless condition.
When Christmas Day dawned the Daemon of Malice was guarding the prisoner,and his tongue was sharper than that of any of the others.
"The children are waking up,Santa!"he cried."They are waking up to find their stockings empty!Ho,ho!How they will quarrel,and wail,and stamp their feet in anger!Our caves will be full today,old Santa!Our caves are sure to be full!"But to this,as to other like taunts,Santa Claus answered nothing.
He was much grieved by his capture,it is true;but his courage did not forsake him.And,finding that the prisoner would not reply to his jeers,the Daemon of Malice presently went away,and sent the Daemon of Repentance to take his place.
This last personage was not so disagreeable as the others.He had gentle and refined features,and his voice was soft and pleasant in tone.
"My brother Daemons do not trust me overmuch,"said he,as he entered the cavern;"but it is morning,now,and the mischief is done.You cannot visit the children again for another year.""That is true,"answered Santa Claus,almost cheerfully;"Christmas Eve is past,and for the first time in centuries I have not visited my children.""The little ones will be greatly disappointed,"murmured the Daemon of Repentance,almost regretfully;"but that cannot be helped now.Their grief is likely to make the children selfish and envious and hateful,and if they come to the Caves of the Daemons today I shall get a chance to lead some of them to my Cave of Repentance.""Do you never repent,yourself?"asked Santa Claus,curiously.