第7章 Part 1(7)
When I speak of rows of houses being shut up,I do not mean shut up by the magistrates,but that great numbers of persons followed the Court,by the necessity of their employments and other dependences;and as others retired,really frighted with the distemper,it was a mere desolating of some of the streets.But the fright was not yet near so great in the city,abstractly so called,and particularly because,though they were at first in a most inexpressible consternation,yet as I have observed that the distemper intermitted often at first,so they were,as it were,alarmed and unalarmed again,and this several times,till it began to be familiar to them;and that even when it appeared violent,yet seeing it did not presently spread into the city,or the east and south parts,the people began to take courage,and to be,as I may say,a little hardened.It is true a vast many people fled,as I have observed,yet they were chiefly from the west end of the town,and from that we call the heart of the city:that is to say,among the wealthiest of the people,and such people as were unencumbered with trades and business.But of the rest,the generality stayed,and seemed to abide the worst;so that in the place we calf the Liberties,and in the suburbs,in Southwark,and in the east part,such as Wapping,Ratcliff,Stepney,Rotherhithe,and the like,the people generally stayed,except here and there a few wealthy families,who,as above,did not depend upon their business.
It must not be forgot here that the city and suburbs were prodigiously full of people at the time of this visitation,I mean at the time that it began;for though I have lived to see a further increase,and mighty throngs of people settling in London more than ever,yet we had always a notion that the numbers of people which,the wars being over,the armies disbanded,and the royal family and the monarchy being restored,had flocked to London to settle in business,or to depend upon and attend the Court for rewards of services,preferments,and the like,was such that the town was computed to have in it above a hundred thousand people more than ever it held before;nay,some took upon them to say it had twice as many,because all the ruined families of the royal party flocked hither.All the old soldiers set up trades here,and abundance of families settled here.Again,the Court brought with them a great flux of pride,and new fashions.All people were grown gay and luxurious,and the joy of the Restoration had brought a vast many families to London.
I often thought that as Jerusalem was besieged by the Romans when the Jews were assembled together to celebrate the Passover -by which means an incredible number of people were surprised there who would otherwise have been in other countries -so the plague entered London when an incredible increase of people had happened occasionally,by the particular circumstances above-named.As this conflux of the people to a youthful and gay Court made a great trade in the city,especially in everything that belonged to fashion and finery,so it drew by consequence a great number of workmen,manufacturers,and the like,being mostly poor people who depended upon their labour.And I remember in particular that in a representation to my Lord Mayor of the condition of the poor,it was estimated that there were no less than an hundred thousand riband-weavers in and about the city,the chiefest number of whom lived then in the parishes of Shoreditch,Stepney,Whitechappel,and Bishopsgate,that,namely,about Spitalfields;that is to say,as Spitalfields was then,for it was not so large as now by one fifth part.
By this,however,the number of people in the whole may be judged of;and,indeed,I often wondered that,after the prodigious numbers of people that went away at first,there was yet so great a multitude left as it appeared there was.
But I must go back again to the beginning of this surprising time.
While the fears of the people were young,they were increased strangely by several odd accidents which,put altogether,it was really a wonder the whole body of the people did not rise as one man and abandon their dwellings,leaving the place as a space of ground designed by Heaven for an Akeldama,doomed to be destroyed from the face of the earth,and that all that would be found in it would perish with it.I shall name but a few of these things;but sure they were so many,and so many wizards and cunning people propagating them,that I have often wondered there was any (women especially)left behind.
In the first place,a blazing star or comet appeared for several months before the plague,as there did the year after another,a little before the fire.The old women and the phlegmatic hypochondriac part of the other sex,whom I could almost call old women too,remarked (especially afterward,though not till both those judgements were over)that those two comets passed directly over the city,and that so very near the houses that it was plain they imported something peculiar to the city alone;that the comet before the pestilence was of a faint,dull,languid colour,and its motion very heavy,Solemn,and slow;but that the comet before the fire was bright and sparkling,or,as others said,flaming,and its motion swift and furious;and that,accordingly,one foretold a heavy judgement,slow but severe,terrible and frightful,as was the plague;but the other foretold a stroke,sudden,swift,and fiery as the conflagration.Nay,so particular some people were,that as they looked upon that comet preceding the fire,they fancied that they not only saw it pass swiftly and fiercely,and could perceive the motion with their eye,but even they heard it;that it made a rushing,mighty noise,fierce and terrible,though at a distance,and but just perceivable.
End of Part 1