"But then you have your friend.Has Mr.Halifax any brothers or sisters?""None.No relatives living."
"Ah!"a compassionate ejaculation,as she pulled a woodbine spray,and began twisting it with those never-quiet fingers of hers."You and he seem to be great friends.""John is a brother,friend,everything in the world to me.""Is he?He must be very good.Indeed,he looks so,"observed Miss March,thoughtfully."And I believe--at least I have often heard--that good men are rare."
I had no time to enter into that momentous question,when the origin of it himself appeared,breaking through the bushes to join us.
He apologized for so doing,saying Mr.March had sent him.
"You surely do not mean that you come upon compulsion?What an ill compliment to this lovely wood."And the eyes of the "nut-browne mayde"were a little mischievous.
John looked preternaturally grave,as he said,"I trust you do not object to my coming?"She smiled--so merrily,that his slight haughtiness evaporated like mist before the sunbeams.
"I was obliged to startle you by jumping through the bushes;for Iheard my own name.What terrible revelations has this friend of mine been making to you,Miss March?"He spoke gaily;but I fancied he looked uneasy.The young lady only laughed.
"I have a great mind not to tell you,Mr.Halifax.""Not when I ask you?"
He spoke so seriously that she could choose but reply.
"Mr.Fletcher was telling me three simple facts:--First,that you were an orphan,without relatives.Secondly,that you were his dearest friend.Thirdly--well,I never compromise truth--that you were good.""And you?"
"The first I was ignorant of;the second I had already guessed;the third--"He gazed at her intently.
"The third I had likewise--not doubted."
John made some hurried acknowledgment.He looked greatly pleased--nay,more than pleased--happy.He walked forward by Miss March's side,taking his natural place in the conversation,while I as naturally as willingly fell behind.But I heard all they said,and joined in it now and then.
Thus,sometimes spoken to,and sometimes left silent,watching their two figures,and idly noting their comparative heights--her head came just above John's shoulder--I followed these young people through the quiet wood.
Let me say a word about that wood--dear and familiar as it was.Its like I have never since seen.It was small--so small that in its darkest depths you might catch the sunshine lighting up the branches of its outside trees.A young wood,too--composed wholly of smooth-barked beeches and sturdy Scotch firs,growing up side by side--the Adam and Eve in this forest Eden.No old folk were there--no gnarled and withered foresters--every tree rose up,upright in its youth,and perfect after its kind.There was as yet no choking under-growth of vegetation;nothing but mosses,woodbine,and ferns;and between the boles of the trees you could trace vista after vista,as between the slender pillars of a cathedral aisle.
John pointed out all this to Miss March,especially noticing the peculiar character of the two species of trees--the masculine and feminine--fir and beech.She smiled at the fancy;and much graceful badinage went on between them.I had never before seen John in the company of women,and I marvelled to perceive the refinement of his language,and the poetic ideas it clothed.I forgot the truth--of whose saying was it?--"that once in his life every man becomes a poet."They stood by the little rivulet,and he showed her how the water came from the spring above;the old well-head where the cattle drank;how it took its course merrily through the woods,till at the bottom of the valley below it grew into a wide stream.
"Small beginnings make great endings,"observed Miss March,sententiously.
John answered her with the happiest smile!He dipped his hollowed palm into the water and drank:she did the same.Then,in her free-hearted girlish fun,she formed a cup out of a broad leaf,which,by the greatest ingenuity,she managed to make contain about two teaspoonfuls of water for the space of half a minute,and held it to my mouth.
"I am like Rebecca at the well.Drink,Eleazer,"she cried,gaily.
John looked on."I am very thirsty,too,"said he,in a low voice.
The young girl hesitated a moment;then filled and offered to him the Arcadian cup.I fear he drank out of it a deeper and more subtle draught than that innocent water.
Both became somewhat grave,and stood,one on either side the stream,looking down upon it,letting its bubbling murmur have all the talk.
What it said I know not:I only know that it did not,could not,say to those two what it said to me.
When we took leave of our acquaintances Mr.March was extremely courteous,and declared our society would always be a pleasure to himself and his daughter.
"He always says so formally,'my daughter,'"I observed,breaking the silence in which they had left us."I wonder what her Christian name is.""I believe it is Ursula."
"How did you find that out?"
"It is written in one of her books."
"Ursula!"I repeated,wondering where I had heard it before."Apretty name."
"A very pretty name."
When John fell into this echo mood I always found it best to fall into taciturnity.