Little blue egg, in the nest snug and warm, Covered so close from the wind and the storm, Guarded so carefully day after day, What is your use in this world now, pray?
"Bend your head closer; my secret I'll tell:
There's a baby-bird hid in my tiny blue shell."
Little green bud, all covered with dew, Answer my question and answer it true;
What were you made for, and why do you stay Clinging so close to the twig all the day?
"Hid in my green sheath, some day to unclose, Nestles the warm, glowing heart of a rose."
Dear, little baby-girl, dainty and fair, Sweetest of flowers, of jewels most rare, Surely there's no other use for you here Than just to be petted and played with, you dear!
"Oh, a wonderful secret I'm coming to know, Just a baby like me, to a woman shall grow."
Ah, swiftly the bird from the nest flies away, And the bud to a blossom unfolds day by day, While the woman looks forth in my baby-girl's eyes, Through her joys and her sorrows, her tears and surprise--Too soon shall the years bring this gift to her cup, God keep her, my woman who's now growing up!