第10章 IV(2)
"Isom goin'?" he piped, proudly. "I reckon he air. Whar's yer belt, boy? Git ready. Git ready."Isom rose then-he could not answer sitting down-and caught at a bedpost with one hand, while he fumbled at his throat with the other.
"I hain't goin'."
Steve heard at the door, and whirled around. Daddy Marcum was tottering across the floor, with one bony hand uplifted.
"You're a coward! " The name stilled every sound. Isom, with eyes afire, sprang at the old man to strike, but somebody caught his arm and forced him back to the bed.
"Shet up, dad," said Steve, angrily, looking sharply into Isom's face. " Don't ye see the boy's sick? He needn't go ef he don't want to. Time to start, boys."The tramp of heavy boots started across the puncheon floor and porch again. Isom could hear Steve's orders outside; the laughs and jeers and curses of the men as they mounted their horses; he heard the cavalcade pass through the gate, the old man's cackling good-by; then the horses' hoofs going down the mountain, and Daddy Marcum's hobbling step on the porch again. He was standing in the middle of the floor, full in the firelight, when the old man reached the threshold-standing in a trance, with a cartridge-belt in his hand.
"Good fer you, Isom The cry was apologetic, and stopped short.
The critter's fersakcn," he quavered, and cowed by the boy's strange look, the old man shrank away from him along the wall.
But Isom seemed neither to see nor hear. He caught up his rifle, and, wavering an instant, tossed it with the belt on the bed and ran out the door. The old man followed, dumb with amazement.
Isom! " he called, getting his wits and his tongue at last. "Hyeh's yer gun! Come back, I tell ye! You've fergot yer gun! Isom! Isom!
The voice piped shrilly out into the darkness, and piped back without answer.
A steep path, dangerous even by day, ran snakelike from the cabin down to the water's edge. It was called Isom's path after that tragic night. No mountaineer went down it thereafter without a firm faith that only by the direct help of Heaven could the boy, in his flight down through the dark, have reached the river and the other side alive. The path dropped from ledge to ledge, and ran the brink of precipices and chasms. In a dozen places the boy crashed through the undergrowth from one slippery fold to the next below, catching at roots and stones, slipping past death a score of times, and dropping on till a flood of yellow light lashed the gloom before him. Just there the river was most narrow; the nose of a cliff swerved the current sharply across, and on the other side an eddy ran from it up stream. These earthly helps he had, and he needed them.
There had been a rain-storm, and the waves swept him away like thistle-down, and beat back at him as he fought through them and stood choked and panting on the other shore. He did not dare stop to rest. The Marcums, too, had crossed the river up at the ford by this time, and were galloping towards him; and Isom started on and up. When he reached the first bench of the spur the moon was swinging over Thunderstruck Knob. The clouds broke as he clinibed; strips of radiant sky showed between the rolling masses, and the mountain above was light and dark in quick succession.
He had no breath when he reached the ledge that ran below old Steve's cabin, and flinging one arm above it, he fell through sheer exhaustion. The cabin was dark as the clump of firs behind it; the inmates were unsuspecting; and Steve Marcum and his men were not far below. A rumbling started under him, while he lay there and grew faint-the rumble of a stone knocked from the path by a horse's hoof. Isom tried to halbo, but his voice stopped in a whisper, and he painfully drew himself upon the rock, upright under the bright moon. A quick oath of warning came then-it was Crump's shrill voice in the Brayton cabin-and Isom stumbled forward with both hands thrown up and a gasping cry at his lips.
One flash came through a port-hole of the cabin. A yell broke on the night-Crump's cry again-and the boy swayed across the rock, and falling at the brink, dropped with a limp struggle out of sight.