第85章 XIII.
Speed, Malise, speed! the dun deer's hide On fleeter foot was never tied.
Speed, Malise, speed! such cause of haste Thine active sinews never braced.
Bend 'gainst the steepy hill thy breast, Burst down like torrent from its crest;With short and springing footstep pass The trembling bog and false morass;Across the brook like roebuck bound, And thread the brake like questing hound;The crag is high, the scaur is deep, Yet shrink not from the desperate leap:
Parched are thy burning lips and brow, Yet by the fountain pause not now;Herald of battle, fate, and fear, Stretch onward in thy fleet career!
The wounded hind thou track'st not now, Pursuest not maid through greenwood bough, Nor priest thou now thy flying pace With rivals in the mountain race;But danger, death, and warrior deed Are in thy course--speed, Malise, speed!