第150章 XVII.
He faltered thanks to Heaven for life, Redeemed, unhoped, from desperate strife;Next on his foe his look he cast, Whose every gasp appeared his last In Roderick's gore he dipped the braid,--'Poor Blanche! thy wrongs are dearly paid;
Yet with thy foe must die, or live, The praise that faith and valor give.'
With that he blew a bugle note, Undid the collar from his throat, Unbonneted, and by the wave Sat down his brow and hands to rave.
Then faint afar are heard the feet Of rushing steeds in gallop fleet;The sounds increase, and now are seen Four mounted squires in Lincoln green;Two who bear lance, and two who lead By loosened rein a saddled steed;Each onward held his headlong course, And by Fitz-James reined up his horse,--With wonder viewed the bloody spot,--
'Exclaim not, gallants ' question not.--
You, Herbert and Luffness, alight And bind the wounds of yonder knight;Let the gray palfrey bear his weight, We destined for a fairer freight, And bring him on to Stirling straight;I will before at better speed, To seek fresh horse and fitting weed.
The sun rides high;--I must be boune To see the archer-game at noon;But lightly Bayard clears the lea.--
De Vaux and Herries. follow me.