第40章 The Unhappy Fate of the Demon(2)
I'll say this, however: if all armies were equipped with Electrica. Tubes instead of guns and swords the world would be spared a lot o. misery and unnecessary bloodshed. Perhaps in time; but that tim. hasn't arrived yet.""You might have hastened it," said the Demon, sternly, "if you ha. been wise enough to use your powers properly.""That's just it," answered Rob. "I'm NOT wise enough. Nor is th. majority of mankind wise enough to use such inventions as your. unselfishly and for the good of the world. If people were better, an. every one had an equal show, it would be different."For some moments the Demon sat quietly thinking. Finally the frow. left his face and he said, with animation:
"I have other inventions, which you may use without any such qualms o. conscience. The Electro-Magnetic Restorer I offered you would be . great boon to your race, and could not possibly do harm. And, beside. this, I have brought you what I call the Illimitable Communicator. I. is a simple electric device which will enable you, wherever you ma. be, to converse with people in any part of the world, without the us. of such crude connections as wires. In fact, you may--""Stop!" cried Rob. "It is useless for you to describe it, becaus. I'll have nothing more to do with you or your inventions. I hav. given them a fair trial, and they've got me into all sorts of troubl. and made all my friends miserable. If I was some high-up scientist i. would be different; but I'm just a common boy, and I don't want to b. anything else.""But, your duty--" began the Demon.
"My duty I owe to myself and to my family," interrupted Rob. "I hav. never cultivated science, more than to fool with some simpl. electrical experiments, so I owe nothing to either science or th. Demon of Electricity, so far as I can see.""But consider," remonstrated the Demon, rising to his feet an. speaking in a pleading voice, "consider the years that must elaps. before any one else is likely to strike the Master Key. And, in th. meanwhile, consider my helpless position, cut off from all interest i. the world while I have such wonderful inventions on my hands for th. benefit of mankind. If you have no love for science or for th. advancement of civilization, DO have some consideration for you. fellow-creatures, and for me!""If my fellow-creatures would have as much trouble with you. electrical inventions as I had, I am doing them a service by deprivin. them of your devices," said the boy. "As for yourself, I've no faul. to find with you, personally. You're a very decent sort of Demon, an. I've no doubt you mean well; but there's something wrong about ou. present combination, I'm sure. It isn't natural."The Demon made a gesture of despair.
"Why, oh why did not some intelligent person strike the Master Key!"he moaned.
"That's it!" exclaimed Rob. "I believe that's the root o. the whole evil.""What is?" inquired the Demon, stupidly.
"The fact that an intelligent person did not strike the Master Key.
You don't seem to understand. Well, I'll explain. You're the Demo. of Electricity, aren't you?""I am," said the other, drawing himself up proudly.
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike th. Master Key of Electricity.""That is true."