第34章 Shipwrecked Mariners(2)
"I'm afraid I couldn't support your weight long enough to reach an. other land. It's a long journey, and you'd pull my arms out of join. before we'd been up an hour."Their faces fell at this, but one of them said:
"Why couldn't we swing ourselves over your shoulders with a rope. Ou. two bodies would balance each other and we are so thin and emaciate. that we do not weigh very much."While considering this suggestion Rob remembered how at one time fiv. pirates had clung to his left leg and been carried some distanc. through the air.
"Have you a rope?" he asked.
"No," was the answer; "but there are plenty of long, tough vine. growing on the island that are just as strong and pliable as ropes.""Then, if you are willing to run the chances," decided the boy, "Iwill make the attempt to save you. But I must warn you that in case Ifind I can not support the weight of your bodies I shall drop one o. both of you into the sea."They looked grave at this prospect, but the biggest one said:
"We would soon meet death from starvation if you left us here on th. island; so, as there is at least a chance of our being able to escap. in your company I, for one, am willing to risk being drowned. It i. easier and quicker than being starved. And, as I'm the heavier. I suppose you'll drop me first.""Certainly," declared Rob, promptly.
This announcement seemed to be an encouragement to the little sailor. but he said, nervously:
"I hope you'll keep near the water, for I haven't a good head fo. heights--they always make me dizzy.""Oh, if you don't want to go," began Rob, "I can easily--""But I do! I do! I do!" cried the little man, interrupting him. "Ishall die if you leave me behind!"
"Well, then, get your ropes, and we'll do the best we can,"said the boy.
They ran to the trees, around the trunks of which were clinging man. tendrils of greenish-brown vine which possessed remarkable strength.
With their knives they cut a long section of this vine, the ends o. which were then tied into loops large enough to permit the sailors t. sit in them comfortably. The connecting piece Rob padded with seawee. gathered from the shore, to prevent its cutting into his shoulders.
"Now, then," he said, when all was ready, "take your places."The sailors squatted in the loops, and Rob swung the vine over hi. shoulders and turned the indicator of the traveling machine to "up."As they slowly mounted into the sky the little sailor gave a squeal o. terror and clung to the boy's arm; but the other, although seemingl. anxious, sat quietly in his place and made no trouble.
"D--d--don't g--g--go so high!" stammered the little one, tremblingly;"suppose we should f--f--fall!"
"Well, s'pose we should?" answered Rob, gruffly. "You couldn't drow. until you struck the water, so the higher we are the longer you'l. live in case of accident."This phase of the question seemed to comfort the frightened fello. somewhat; but, as he said, he had not a good head for heights, and s. continued to tremble in spite of his resolve to be brave.
The weight on Rob's shoulders was not so great as he had feared, th. traveling machine seeming to give a certain lightness and buoyancy t. everything that came into contact with its wearer.
As soon as he had reached a sufficient elevation to admit of good spee. he turned the indicator once more to the east and began moving rapidl. through the air, the shipwrecked sailors dangling at either side.
"This is aw--aw--awful!" gasped the little one.
"Say, you shut up!" commanded the boy, angrily. "If your friend wa. as big a coward as you are I'd drop you both this minute. Let go m. arm and keep quiet, if you want to reach land alive."The fellow whimpered a little, but managed to remain silent for severa. minutes. Then he gave a sudden twitch and grabbed Rob's arm again.
"S'pose--s'pose the vine should break!" he moaned, a horrified loo. upon his face.
"I've had about enough of this," said Rob, savagely. "If you haven'. any sense you don't deserve to live.. He turned the indicator on th. dial of the machine and they began to descend rapidly.
The little fellow screamed with fear, but Rob paid no attention to hi. until the feet of the two suspended sailors were actually dipping int. the waves, when he brought their progress to an abrupt halt.
"Wh--wh--what are you g--g--going to do?" gurgled the cowardly sailor.
"I'm going to feed you to the sharks--unless you promise to keep you. mouth shut," retorted the boy. "Now, then; decide at once. Which wil. it be--sharks or silence?""I won't say a word--'pon my honor, I won't!" said the sailor shudderingly.
"All right; remember your promise and we'll have no further trouble,"remarked Rob, who had hard work to keep from laughing at the man'. abject terror.
Once more he ascended and continued the journey, and for several hour. they rode along swiftly and silently. Rob's shoulders were beginnin. to ache with the continued tugging of the vine upon them, but th. thought that he was saving the lives of two unfortunat. fellow-creatures gave him strength and courage to persevere.
Night was falling when they first sighted land; a wild and seemingl. uninhabited stretch of the American coast. Rob made no effort t. select a landing place, for he was nearly worn out with a strain an. anxiety of the journey. He dropped his burden upon the brow of a hig. bluff overlooking the sea and, casting the vine from his shoulders. fell to the earth exhausted and half fainting.