Buckle. The life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. By W.F. Monypenny and G.E. Buckle. 6 vols. 1910-20.
Bulow. Gabriele von Bulow, 1791-1887. Berlin. 1893.
Bunsen. A Memoir of Baron Bunsen. By his widow, Frances, Baroness Bunsen. 2 vols. 1868.
Busch. Bismarck: some secret pages of history. By Dr. Moritz Busch. (English translation.) 8 vols. 1898.
Childers. The Life and Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Hugh C.E. Childers. 2 vols. 1901.
Clarendon. The Life and Letters of the Fourth Earl of Clarendon. By Sir Herbert Maxwell. 2 vols. 1913.
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Crawford. Victoria, Queen and Ruler. By Emily Crawford. 1903.
Creevey. The Creevey Papers. Edited by Sir Herbert Maxwell. 2 vols. 1904.
Croker. The Croker Papers. Edited by L.J. Jennings. 1884.
Dafforne. The Albert Memorial: its history and description. By J. Dafforne.
Dalling. The Life of H.J. Temple, Viscount Palmerston. By Lord Dalling. 3 vols. 1871-84.
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Disraeli. Lord George Bentinck: a political biography. By B. Disraeli. 1852.
Eckardstein. Lebens-Erinnerungen u. Politische Denkwurdigheiten. Von Freiherrn v. Eckardstein. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1919.
Ernest. Memoirs of Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 4 vols. 1888.
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Fitzmaurice. The Life of Earl Granville. By Lord Fitzmaurice. 2 vols. 1905.
Gaskell. The Life of Charlotte Bronte. By Mrs. Gaskell. 2 vols. 1857.
Girlhood. The Girlhood of Queen Victoria. Edited by Viscount Esher. 2 vols.
Gossart. Adolphe Quetelet et le Prince Albert de Saxe-Cobourg. Academie Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. 1919.
Granville. Letters of Harriet, Countess Granville. 2 vols. 1894.
Greville. The Greville Memoirs. 8 vols. (Silver Library Edition.) 1896.
Grey. Early Years of the Prince Consort. By General Charles Grey. 1867.
Halle. Life and Letters of Sir Charles Halle. Edited by his Son. 1896.
Hamilton. Parliamentary Reminiscences and Reflections. By Lord George Hamilton. 1917.
Hare. The Story of My Life. By Augustus J.C. Hare. 6 vols. 1896-1900.
Haydon. Autobiography of Benjamin Robert Haydon. 3 vols. 1853.
Hayward. Sketches of Eminent Statesmen and Writers. By A. Hayward. 2 vols.
Huish. The History of the Life and Reign of William the Fourth. By Robert Huish. 1837.
Hunt. The Old Court Suburb: or Memorials of Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotal. 2 vols. 1855.
Jerrold, Early Court. The Early Court of Queen Victoria. By Clare Jerrold.
Jerrold, Married Life. The Married Life of Queen Victoria. By Clare Jerrold.
Jerrold, Widowhood. The Widowhood of Queen Victoria. By Clare Jerrold. 1916.
Kinglake. The Invasion of the Crimea. By A.W. Kinglake. 9 vols. (Cabinet Edition.) 1877-88.
Knight. The Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight. 2 vols. 1861.
Laughton. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve. By Sir John Laughton. 2 vols. 1898.
Leaves. Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861. By Queen Victoria. Edited by A. Helps. 1868.
Lee. Queen Victoria: a biography. By Sidney Lee. 1902.
Leslie. Autobiographical Recollections by the late Charles Robert Leslie, R.A.
Edited by Tom Taylor. 2 vols. 1860.
Letters. The Letters of Queen Victoria. 3 vols. 1908.
Lieven. Letters of Dorothea, Princess Lieven, during her residence in London, 1812-1834. Edited by Lionel G. Robinson. 1902.
The London Mercury.
Lovely Albert! A Broadside.
Lyttelton. Correspondence of Sarah Spencer, Lady Lyttelton, 1787-1870. Edited by Mrs. Hugh Wyndham. 1912.
Martin. The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. By Theodore Martin.
5 vols. 1875-80.
Martin, Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria as I knew her. By Sir Theodore Martin.
Martineau. The Autobiography of Harriet Martineau. 3 vols. 1877.
Maxwell. The Hon. Sir Charles Murray, K.C.B.: a memoir. By Sir Herbert Maxwell. 1898.
More Leaves. More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands, from 1862 to 1882. By Queen Victoria. 1884.
Morley. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone. By John Morley. 5 vols. 1903.
Murray. Recollections from 1803 to 1837. By the Hon. Amelia Murray. 1868.
National Memorial. The National Memorial to H.R.H. the Prince Consort. 1873.
Neele. Railway Reminiscences. By George P. Neele. 1904.
Owen. The Life of Robert Owen written by himself. 1857.
Owen, Journal. Owen's Rational Quarterly Review and Journal.
Panam. A German Prince and his Victim. Taken from the Memoirs of Madame Pauline Panam. 1915.
Private Life. The Private Life of the Queen. By One of Her Majesty's Servants.
The Quarterly Review, vols. 193 and 213.
Robertson. Bismarck. By C. Grant Robertson. 1918.
Scott Personal and Professional Recollections. By Sir George Gilbert Scott.
Smith. Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Compiled from all available sources. By G. Barnett Smith. 1887.
Spinster Lady. The Notebooks of a Spinster Lady. 1919.
Stein. Denkschriftenuber Deutsche Verfassunyen. Herausgegeben von G.H. Pertz.
6 vols. 1848.
Stockmar. Denkwurdigkeiten aus den Papieren des Freiherrn Christian Friedrich v. Stockmar, zusammengestellt von Ernst Freiherr v. Stockmar. Braunschweig.
Tait. The Life of Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury. 2 vols.
The London Times. The Times Life. The Life of Queen Victoria, reproduced from The London Times. 1901.
Torrens. Memoirs of William Lamb, second Viscount Melbourne. By W. M. Torrens.
(Minerva Library Edition.) 1890.
Vitzhum. St. Petersburg und London in den Jahren 1852-1864. Carl Friedrich Graf Vitzthum von Eckstadt. Stuttgart. 1886.
Walpole. The Life of Lord John Russell. By Sir Spencer Walpole. 2 vols. 1889.
Wilberforce, Samuel. Life of Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford. By his son, R.G. Wilberforce. 3 vols. 1881.
Wilberforce, William. The Life of William Wilberforce. 5 vols. 1838.
Wynn. Diaries of a Lady of Quality. By Miss Frances Williams Wynn. 1864.