"We'd best get home to France again."
"And leave matters thus?" He considered a moment, and shook his head, smiling bitterly. "Could that content you, Justin?
Could you go as you have come - taking no more than you brought; leaving that man as you found him? Could you?"Mr. Caryll looked at the baronet, and wondered for a moment whether he should persevere in the rule of his life and deal quite frankly with him, telling him precisely what he felt.
Then he realized that he would not be understood. He could not combat the fanaticism that was Sir Richard's in this matter. If he told him the truth; how he loathed the task;how he rejoiced that circumstances had now put it beyond his reach - all he would achieve would be to wound Sir Richard in his tenderest place and to no purpose.
"It is not a matter of what I would," he answered slowly, wearily almost. "It is a matter of what I must. Here in England is no more to be done. Moreover, there's danger for you in lingering, or I'm much mistaken else.""Danger of what?" asked Sir Richard, with indifference.
"You are being spied upon."
"Pho! I am accustomed to it. I have been spied upon all my life.""Like enough. But this time the spies are messengers from the secretary of state. I caught a glimpse of them lurking about your doorway - three or four at least - and as I entered I all but fell over a Mr. Green - a most pertinacious gentleman with whom I have already some acquaintance. He is the very man who searched me at Maidstone; he has kept his eye upon me ever since, which has not troubled me. But that he should keep an eye on you means that your identity is suspected, and if that be so - well, the sooner we are out of England the better for your health."Sir Richard shook his head calmly. The fine-featured, lean old face showed no sign of uneasiness. "A fig for all that!"said he. "I go not thus - empty-handed as I came. After all these years of waiting "A knock fell upon the door, and Sir Richard's man entered.
His face was white, his eyes startled.
"Sir Richard," he announced, his voice lowered portentously, "there are some men here who insist upon seeing you."Mr. Caryll wheeled in his chair. "Surely they did not ask for him by name?" he inquired in the same low key employed by the valet.
The man nodded in silence. Mr. Caryll swore through his teeth. Sir Richard rose.
"I am occupied at present," he said in a calm voice. "I can receive nobody. Desire to know their business. If it imports, bid them come again to-morrow.""It is over-urgent for that, Sir Richard Everard," came the soft voice of Mr. Green, who thrust himself suddenly forward past the servant. Other figures were seen moving behind him in the ante-room.
"Sir," cried Sir Richard angrily. "This is a most insolent intrusion. Bentley, show this fellow the door."Bentley set a hand on Mr. Green's shoulder. Mr. Green nimbly twisted out of it, and produced a paper. "I have here a warrant for your apprehension, Sir Richard, from my Lord Carteret, the secretary of state."Mr. Caryll advanced menacingly upon the tipstaff. Mr. Green stepped back, and fell into a defensive attitude, balancing a short but formidable-looking life-preserver.
"Keep your distance, sir, or 'twill be the worse for you," he threatened. "Hi!" he called. "Jerry! Beattie!"Jerry, Beattie, and two other ruffians crowded to the doorway, but advanced little beyond the threshold. Mr. Caryll turned to Sir Richard. But Mr. Green was the first to speak.
"Sir Richard," said he, "you'll see that we are but instruments of the law. It grieves me profoundly to have you for our object. But ye'll see that 'tis no affair of ours, who have but to do the duty that we're ordered. Ye'll not give these poor fellows trouble, I trust. Ye'll surrender quietly."Sir Richard's answer was to pull open a drawer in the writing-table, by which he was standing, and whip out a pistol.
What exactly he may have intended, he was never "allowed to announce. An explosion shook the room, coming from the doorway, upon which Mr. Caryll had turned his shoulder; there was a spurt of flame, and Sir Richard collapsed forward onto the table, and slithered thence to the ground.
"Jerry, taking fright at the sight of the pistol Sir Richard had produced, had forestalled what he supposed to be the baronet's intentions by firing instantly upon him, with this disastrous result.
Confusion ensued. Mr. Caryll, with no more thought for the tipstaves than he had for the smoke in his eyes or the stench of powder in his nostrils, sped to Sir Richard. In a passion of grief and anxiety, he raised his adoptive father, aided by Bentley, what time Mr. Green was abusing Jerry, and Jerry was urging in exculpation how he had acted purely in Mr. Green's interest, fearing that Sir Richard might have been on the point of shooting him.
The spy went forward to Mr. Caryll. "I am most profoundly sorry - " he began.
"Take your sorrow to hell," snarled Mr. Caryll, his face livid, his eyes blazing uncannily. "I believe ye've murdered him.""Ecod! the fool shall smart for't if Sir Richard dies,"grumbled Mr. Green.
"What's that to me? You may hang the muckworm, and what shall that profit any one? Will it restore me Sir Richard's life?
Send one of your ruffians for a doctor, man. And bid him hasten."Mr. Green obeyed with alacrity. Apart from his regrets at this happening for its own sake, it would suit his interests not at all that Sir Richard should perish thus. Meanwhile, with the help of the valet, who was blubbering like a child -for he had been with Sir Richard for over ten years, and was attached to him as a dog to its master - they opened the wounded man's sodden waistcoat and shirt, and reached the hurt, which was on the right side of the breast.