The panels had closed on this dreadful vision,but light had not returned to the saloon:all was silence and darkness within the Nautilus.
At wonderful speed,a hundred feet beneath the water,it was leaving this desolate spot.Whither was it going?To the north or south?
Where was the man flying to after such dreadful retaliation?
Ihad returned to my room,where Ned and Conseil had remained silent enough.
Ifelt an insurmountable horror for Captain Nemo.Whatever he had suffered at the hands of these men,he had no right to punish thus.
He had made me,if not an accomplice,at least a witness of his vengeance.
At eleven the electric light reappeared.Ipassed into the saloon.
It was deserted.Iconsulted the different instruments.The Nautilus was flying northward at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour,now on the surface,and now thirty feet below it.On taking the bearings by the chart,Isaw that we were passing the mouth of the Manche,and that our course was hurrying us towards the northern seas at a frightful speed.That night we had crossed two hundred leagues of the Atlantic.The shadows fell,and the sea was covered with darkness until the rising of the moon.Iwent to my room,but could not sleep.Iwas troubled with dreadful nightmare.
The horrible scene of destruction was continually before my eyes.
From that day,who could tell into what part of the North Atlantic basin the Nautilus would take us?Still with unaccountable speed.
Still in the midst of these northern fogs.Would it touch at Spitzbergen,or on the shores of Nova Zembla?Should we explore those unknown seas,the White Sea,the Sea of Kara,the Gulf of Obi,the Archipelago of Liarrov,and the unknown coast of Asia?Icould not say.Icould no longer judge of the time that was passing.The clocks had been stopped on board.
It seemed,as in polar countries,that night and day no longer followed their regular course.Ifelt myself being drawn into that strange region where the foundered imagination of Edgar Poe roamed at will.
Like the fabulous Gordon Pym,at every moment Iexpected to see "that veiled human figure,of larger proportions than those of any inhabitant of the earth,thrown across the cataract which defends the approach to the pole."Iestimated (though,perhaps,Imay be mistaken)--Iestimated this adventurous course of the Nautilus to have lasted fifteen or twenty days.
And Iknow not how much longer it might have lasted,had it not been for the catastrophe which ended this voyage.Of Captain Nemo Isaw nothing whatever now,nor of his second.Not a man of the crew was visible for an instant.The Nautilus was almost incessantly under water.When we came to the surface to renew the air,the panels opened and shut mechanically.
There were no more marks on the planisphere.Iknew not where we were.
And the Canadian,too,his strength and patience at an end,appeared no more.
Conseil could not draw a word from him;and,fearing that,in a dreadful fit of madness,he might kill himself,watched him with constant devotion.
One morning (what date it was Icould not say)Ihad fallen into a heavy sleep towards the early hours,a sleep both painful and unhealthy,when Isuddenly awoke.Ned Land was leaning over me,saying,in a low voice,"We are going to fly."Isat up.
"When shall we go?"Iasked.
"To-night.All inspection on board the Nautilus seems to have ceased.
All appear to be stupefied.You will be ready,sir?""Yes;where are we?"
"In sight of land.Itook the reckoning this morning in the fog--twenty miles to the east."
"What country is it?"
"Ido not know;but,whatever it is,we will take refuge there.""Yes,Ned,yes.We will fly to-night,even if the sea should swallow us up.""The sea is bad,the wind violent,but twenty miles in that light boat of the Nautilus does not frighten me.Unknown to the crew,Ihave been able to procure food and some bottles of water.""Iwill follow you."
"But,"continued the Canadian,"if Iam surprised,Iwill defend myself;Iwill force them to kill me."
"We will die together,friend Ned."
Ihad made up my mind to all.The Canadian left me.
Ireached the platform,on which Icould with difficulty support myself against the shock of the waves.The sky was threatening;but,as land was in those thick brown shadows,we must fly.
Ireturned to the saloon,fearing and yet hoping to see Captain Nemo,wishing and yet not wishing to see him.What could Ihave said to him?
Could Ihide the involuntary horror with which he inspired me?
No.It was better that Ishould not meet him face to face;better to forget him.And yet--How long seemed that day,the last that Ishould pass in the Nautilus.Iremained alone.Ned Land and Conseil avoided speaking,for fear of betraying themselves.
At six Idined,but Iwas not hungry;Iforced myself to eat in spite of my disgust,that Imight not weaken myself.At half-past six Ned Land came to my room,saying,"We shall not see each other again before our departure.At ten the moon will not be risen.
We will profit by the darkness.Come to the boat;Conseil and Iwill wait for you."
The Canadian went out without giving me time to answer.
Wishing to verify the course of the Nautilus,Iwent to the saloon.
We were running N.N.E.at frightful speed,and more than fifty yards deep.
Icast a last look on these wonders of nature,on the riches of art heaped up in this museum,upon the unrivalled collection destined to perish at the bottom of the sea,with him who had formed it.
Iwished to fix an indelible impression of it in my mind.
Iremained an hour thus,bathed in the light of that luminous ceiling,and passing in review those treasures shining under their glasses.
Then Ireturned to my room.
Idressed myself in strong sea clothing.Icollected my notes,placing them carefully about me.My heart beat loudly.
Icould not check its pulsations.Certainly my trouble and agitation would have betrayed me to Captain Nemo's eyes.What was he doing at this moment?Ilistened at the door of his room.Iheard steps.