'Well,'said I,'whatever the word may be in Armenian,it is a noun;and as we have never yet declined an Armenian noun together,we may as well take this opportunity of declining one.Belle,there are ten declensions in Armenian!
'What's a declension?'
'The way of declining a noun.'
'Then,in the civilest way imaginable,I decline the noun.Is that a declension?'
'You should never play on words;to do so is low,vulgar,smelling of the pothouse,the workhouse.Belle,I insist on your declining an Armenian noun.'
'I have done so already,'said Belle.
'If you go on in this way,'said I,'I shall decline taking any more tea with you.Will you decline an Armenian noun?'
'I don't like the language,'said Belle.'If you must teach me languages,why not teach me French or Chinese?'
'I know nothing of Chinese;and as for French,none but a Frenchman is clever enough to speak it-to say nothing of teaching;no,we will stick to Armenian,unless,indeed,you would prefer Welsh!'
'Welsh,I have heard,is vulgar,'said Belle;'so,if I must learn one of the two,I will prefer Armenian,which I never heard of till you mentioned it to me;though,of the two,I really think Welsh sounds best.'
'The Armenian noun,'said I,'which I propose for your declension this night,is-,which signifieth Master.'
'I neither like the word nor the sound,'said Belle.
'I can't help that,'said I;'it is the word I choose:Master,with all its variations,being the first noun the sound of which I would have you learn from my lips.Come,let us begin-'A master.Of a master,etc.Repeat-'
'I am not much used to say the word,'said Belle,'but to oblige you I will decline it as you wish';and thereupon Belle declined Master in Armenian.
'You have declined the noun very well,'said I;'that is in the singular number;we will now go to the plural.'
'What is the plural?'said Belle.
'That which implies more than one,for example,Masters;you shall now go through masters in Armenian.'
'Never,'said Belle,'never;it is bad to have one master,but more I would never bear,whether in Armenian or English.'
'You do not understand,'said I;'I merely want you to decline Masters in Armenian.'
'I do decline them;I will have nothing to do with them,nor with master either;I was wrong to-What sound is that?'
'I did not hear it,but I daresay it is thunder;in Armenian-'
'Never mind what it is in Armenian;but why do you think it is thunder?'
'Ere I returned from my stroll,I looked up into the heavens,and by their appearance I judged that a storm was nigh at hand.'
'And why did you not tell me so?'
'You never asked me about the state of the atmosphere,and I am not in the habit of giving my opinion to people on any subject,unless questioned.But,setting that aside,can you blame me for not troubling you with forebodings about storm and tempest,which might have prevented the pleasure you promised yourself in drinking tea,or perhaps a lesson in Armenian,though you pretend to dislike the latter?'
'My dislike is not pretended,'said Belle;'I hate the sound of it,but I love my tea,and it was kind of you not to wish to cast a cloud over my little pleasures;the thunder came quite time enough to interrupt it without being anticipated-there is another peal-I will clear away,and see that my tent is in a condition to resist the storm;and I think you had better bestir yourself.'
Isopel departed,and I remained seated on my stone,as nothing belonging to myself required any particular attention;in about a quarter of an hour she returned,and seated herself upon her stool.
'How dark the place is become since I left you,'said she;'just as if night were just at hand.'
'Look up at the sky,'said I;'and you will not wonder;it is all of a deep olive.The wind is beginning to rise;hark how it moans among the branches,and see how their tops are bending;it brings dust on its wings-I felt some fall on my face;and what is this,a drop of rain?'
'We shall have plenty anon,'said Belle;'do you hear?it already begins to hiss upon the embers;that fire of ours will soon be extinguished.'
'It is not probable that we shall want it,'said I,'but we had better seek shelter:let us go into my tent.'
'Go in,'said Belle,'but you go in alone;as for me,I will seek my own.'