"The one chance against us was that tender considerations, associated with her Highness, might induce you to hesitate. The lady in waiting easily moved this obstacle out of the way. She abstained from delivering a letter addressed to you, intrusted to her by the Princess. When the great lady asked why she had not received your reply, she was informed (quite truly) that you and the charming opera singer had taken your departure together. You may imagine what her Highness thought of you, and said of you, when I mention in conclusion that she consented, the same day, to marry the Duke.
"So, Mr. Ernest, these clever people tricked you into serving their interests, blindfold. In relating how it was done, I hope Imay have assisted you in forming a correct estimate of the state of your own intelligence. You have made a serious mistake in adopting your present profession. Give up diplomacy--and get a farmer to employ you in keeping his sheep."* * * * *
Do I sometimes think regretfully of the Princess?
Permit me to mention a circumstance, and to leave my answer to be inferred. Jeanne is Lady Medhurst.