IT is said of Marcus Brutus that, before kilIing himself, he uttered these words : '' 0 virtue ! I thought you were something; but you are only an empty phantom ! "You were right, Brutus, if you considered virtue as being head of a faction and assassin of your benefactor; but if you had considered virtue as consisting only of doing good to those dependent on you, you would not have called it a phantom, and you would not have killed yourself in despair.
I am very virtuous says this excrement of theology, for I have the four cardinal virtues, and the three divine.An honest man asks him--" What is the cardinal virtue? " The other answers--" Strength, prudence, temperance and justice." THE HONEST MAN: If you are just, you have said everything; your strength, your prudence, your temperance, are useful qualities.If you have them, so much the better for you; but if you are just, so much the better for the others.But it is not enough to be just, you must do good; that is what is really cardinal.
And your divine virtues, which are they? THE EXCREMENT: Faith, hope, charity.THE HONEST MAN: Is it a virtue to believe? either what you believe seems true to you, and in this case there is no merit in believing; or it seems false to you, and then it is impossible for you to believe.
Hope cannot be a virtue any more than fear; one fears and one hopes, according as one receives a promise or a threat.As for charity, is it not what the Greeks and the Romans understood by humanity, love of one's neighbour? this love is nothing if it be not active; doing good, therefore, is the sole true virtue.THE EXCREMENT: One would be a fool! Really, I am to give myself a deal of torment in order to serve mankind, and I shall get no return! all work deserves payment.
I do not mean to do the least honest action, unless I am certain of paradise.THE HONEST MAN: Ah, master! that is to say that, if you did not hope for paradise, and if you did not fear hell, you would never do any good action.Believe me, master, there are two things worthy of being loved for themselves, God and virtue.THE EXCREMENT: I see, sir, you are a disciple of Fenelon.THE HONEST MAN: Yes, master.THE EXCREMENT: I shall denounce you to the judge of the ecclesiastical court at Meaux.THE HONEST MAN: Go along, denounce!