Now imagine an advantageous but less decisive position; success is not so certain, but it is always very probable.You arrive thus, step by step, to a perfect equality between the two armies.What will decide then? luck, that is to say an unforeseen event, a general officer killed when he is on his way to execute an important order, a corps which is shaken by a false rumour, a panic and a thousand other cases which cannot be remedied by prudence; but it still remains certain that there is an art, a generalship.
As much must be said of medicine, of this art of operating on the head and the hand, to restore life to a man who is about to lose it.
The first man who at the right moment bled and purged a sufferer from an apoplectic fit; the first man who thought of plunging a knife into the bladder in order to extract a stone, and of closing the wound again; the first man who knew how to stop gangrene in a part of the body, were without a doubt almost divine persons, and did not resemble Moliere's doctors.
Descend from this obvious example to experiments that are less striking and more equivocal; you see fevers, ills of all kinds which are cured, without it being well proved if it be nature or the doctor who has cured them; you see diseases of which the result cannot be guessed; twenty doctors are deceived; the one that has the most intelligence, the surest eye, guesses the character of the malady.There is therefore an art; and the superior man knows the finenesses of it.Thus did La Peyronie guess that a man of the court had swallowed a pointed bone which had caused an ulcer, and put him in danger of death; thus did Boerhaave guess the cause of the malady as unknown as cruel of a count of Vassenaar.There is therefore really an art of medicine; but in all arts there are men like Virgil and Maevius.
In jurisprudence, take a clear case, in which the law speaks clearly;a bill of exchange properly prepared and accepted; the acceptor must be condemned to pay it in every country.There is therefore a useful jurisprudence, although in a thousand cases judgments are arbitrary, to the misfortune of the human race, because the laws are badly made.
Do you desire to know if literature does good to a nation; compare the two extremes, Cicero and an uncouth ignoramus.See if it is Pliny or Attila who caused the fall of Rome.
One asks if one should encourage superstition in the people; see above all what is most extreme in this disastrous matter, St.Bartholomew, the massacres in Ireland, the crusades; the question is soon answered.
Is there any truth in metaphysics? Seize first of all the points that are most astonishing and the most true; something exists for all eternity.
An eternal Being exists by Himself; this Being cannot be either wicked or inconsequent.One must surrender to these truths: almost all the rest is given over to dispute, and the justest mind unravels the truth while the others are seeking in the shadows.
It is with all things as with colours; the weakest eyes distinguish black from white; the better, more practised eyes, discern shades that resemble each other.Philosophical Dictionary: Ezourveidam EZOURVEIDAM WHAT is this "Ezourveidam" which is in the King of France's library.
It is an ancient commentary which an ancient Brahmin composed once upon a time, before the epoch of Alexander, on the ancient "Veidam," which was itself much less ancient than the book of the "Shasta."Let us respect, I tell you, all these ancient Indians.They invented the game of chess, and the Greeks went among them to learn geometry.
This "Ezourveidam" was lastly translated by a Brahmin, correspondent of the unfortunate French India Company.It was brought to me on Mount Krapack, where I have long been observing the snows; and I sent it to the great Library of Paris, where it is better placed than in my home.
Those who wish to consult it will see that after many revolutions produced by the Eternal, it pleased the Eternal to form a man who was called Adimo , and a woman whose name corresponds to that of life.
Is this Indian anecdote taken from the Jewish books? have the Jews copied it from the Indians? or can one say that both wrote it originally, and that fine minds meet?
The Jews were not permitted to think that their writers had drawn anything from the Brahmins, for they had never heard tell of them.We are not permitted to think about Adam otherwise than the Jews.Consequently I hold my tongue, and I do not think at all.Philosophical Dictionary: Faith FAITH We have long pondered whether or no we should print this article, which we found in an old book.Our respect for St.Peter's see restrained us.But some pious men having convinced us that Pope Alexander VI.had nothing in common with St.Peter, we at last decided to bring this little piece into the light, without scruple.
One day Prince Pico della Mirandola met Pope Alexander VI.at the house of the courtesan Emilia, while Lucretia, the holy father's daughter, was in child-bed, and one did not know in Rome if the child was the Pope's, or his son's the Duke of Valentinois, or Lucretia's husband's, Alphonse of Aragon, who passed for impotent.The conversation was at first very sprightly.Cardinal Bembo records a part of it." Little Pic," said the Pope, " who do you think is my grandson's father?"" Your son-in-law, I think," answered Pie." Eh! how can you believe such folly? "" I believe it through faith."" But do you not know quite well that a man who is impotent does not make children?"" Faith consists," returned Pic, "in believing things because they are impossible; and, further, the honour of your house demands that Lucretia's son shall not pass as the fruit of an incest.You make me believe more incomprehensible mysteries.Have I not to be convinced that a serpent spoke, that since then all men have been damned, that Balaam's she-ass also spoke very eloquently, and that the walls of Jericho fell at the sound of trumpets?" Pic forthwith ran through a litany of all the admirable things he believed.