第23章 A.D.16-19(2)
To this accordingly he gave his mind, and sent Publius Vitellius and Caius Antius to collect the taxes of Gaul.Silius, Anteius, and Caecina had the charge of building a fleet.It seemed that a thousand vessels were required, and they were speedily constructed, some of small draught with a narrow stem and stern and a broad centre, that they might bear the waves more easily; some flat-bottomed, that they might ground without being injured; several, furnished with a rudder at each end, so that by a sudden shifting of the oars they might be run into shore either way.Many were covered in with decks, on which engines for missiles might be conveyed, and were also fit for the carrying of horses or supplies, and being equipped with sails as well as rapidly moved by oars, they assumed, through the enthusiasm of our soldiers, an imposing and formidable aspect.
The island of the Batavi was the appointed rendezvous, because of its easy landing-places, and its convenience for receiving the army and carrying the war across the river.For the Rhine after flowing continuously in a single channel or encircling merely insignificant islands, divides itself, so to say, where the Batavian territory begins, into two rivers, retaining its name and the rapidity of its course in the stream which washes Germany, till it mingles with the ocean.On the Gallic bank, its flow is broader and gentler; it is called by an altered name, the Vahal, by the inhabitants of its shore.
Soon that name too is changed for the Mosa river, through whose vast mouth it empties itself into the same ocean.
Caesar, however, while the vessels were coming up, ordered Silius, his lieutenant-general, to make an inroad on the Chatti with a flying column.He himself, on hearing that a fort on the river Luppia was being besieged, led six legions to the spot.Silius owing to sudden rains did nothing but carry off a small booty, and the wife and daughter of Arpus, the chief of the Chatti.And Caesar had no opportunity of fighting given him by the besiegers, who dispersed on the rumour of his advance.They had, however, destroyed the barrow lately raised in memory of Varus's legions, and the old altar of Drusus.The prince restored the altar, and himself with his legions celebrated funeral games in his father's honour.To raise a new barrow was not thought necessary.All the country between the fort Aliso and the Rhine was thoroughly secured by new barriers and earthworks.
By this time the fleet had arrived, and Caesar, having sent on his supplies and assigned vessels for the legions and the allied troops, entered "Drusus's fosse," as it was called.He prayed Drusus his father to lend him, now that he was venturing on the same enterprise, the willing and favourable aid of the example and wi memory of his counsels and achievements, and he arrived after a prosperous voyage through the lakes and the ocean as far as the river Amisia.His fleet remained there on the left bank of the stream, and it was a blunder that he did not have it brought up the river.
He disembarked the troops, which were to be marched to the country on the right, and thus several days were wasted in the construction of bridges.The cavalry and the legions fearlessly crossed the first estuaries in which the tide had not yet risen.The rear of the auxiliaries, and the Batavi among the number, plunging recklessly into the water and displaying their skill in swimming, fell into disorder, and some were drowned.While Caesar was measuring out his camp, he was told of a revolt of the Angrivarii in his rear.He at once despatched Stertinius with some cavalry and a light armed force, who punished their perfidy with fire and sword.
The waters of the Visurgis flowed between the Romans and the Cherusci.On its banks stood Arminius with the other chiefs.He asked whether Caesar had arrived, and on the reply that he was present, he begged leave to have an interview with his brother.That brother, surnamed Flavus, was with our army, a man famous for his loyalty, and for having lost an eye by a wound, a few years ago, when Tiberius was in command.The permission was then given, and he stepped forth and was saluted by Arminius, who had removed his guards to a distance and required that the bowmen ranged on our bank should retire.When they had gone away, Arminius asked his brother whence came the scar which disfigured his face, and on being told the particular place and battle, he inquired what reward he had received.Flavus spoke of increased pay, of a neck chain, a crown, and other military gifts, while Arminius jeered at such a paltry recompense for slavery.
Then began a controversy.The one spoke of the greatness of Rome, the resources of Caesar, the dreadful punishment in store for the vanquished, the ready mercy for him who surrenders, and the fact that neither Arminius's wife nor his son were treated as enemies;the other, of the claims of fatherland, of ancestral freedom, of the gods of the homes of Germany, of the mother who shared his prayers, that Flavus might not choose to be the deserter and betrayer rather than the ruler of his kinsfolk and relatives, and indeed of his own people.
By degrees they fell to bitter words, and even the river between them would not have hindered them from joining combat, had not Stertinius hurried up and put his hand on Flavus, who in the full tide of his fury was demanding his weapons and his charger.Arminius was seen facing him, full of menaces and challenging him to conflict.Much of what he said was in Roman speech, for he had served in our camp as leader of his fellow-countrymen.