"It's the dead certainty of the thing," went on Forster, "that keeps me in doubt.There'll nevermore be anything around the corner.""Nothing after the 'Little Church,'" said Ives."I know.""Understand," said Forster, "that I am in no doubt as to my feelings toward the lady.I may say that I love her truly and deeply.But there is something in the current that runs through my veins that cries out against any form of the calculable.I do not know what I want; but I know that I want it.I'm talking like an idiot, Isuppose, but I'm sure of what I mean."
"I understand you," said Ives, with a slow smile."Well, I think Iwill be going up to my rooms now.If you would dine with me here one evening soon, Mr.Forster, I'd be glad.""Thursday?" suggested Forster.
"At seven, if it's convenient," answered Ives.
"Seven goes," assented Forster.
At halft-past eight Ives got into a cab and was driven to a number in one of the correct West Seventies.His card admitted him to the reception room of an old-fashioned house into which the spirits of Fortune, Chance and Adventure had never dared to enter.On the walls were the Whistler etchings, the steel engravings by Oh-what's-his-name?, the still-life paintings of the grapes and garden truck with the watermelon seeds spilled on the table as natural as life, and the Greuze head.It was a household.There was even brass andirons.On a table was an album, half-morocco, with oxidized-silver protections on the corners of the lids.A clock on the mantel ticked loudly, with a warning click at five minutes to nine.Ives looked at it curiously, remembering a time-piece in his grandmother's home that gave such a warning.
And then down the stairs and into the room came Mary Marsden.She was twenty-four, and I leave her to your imagination.But I must say this much--youth and health and simplicity and courage and greenish-violet eyes are beautiful, and she had all these.She gave Ives her hand with the sweet cordiality of an old friendship.
"You can't think what a pleasure it is," she said, "to have you drop in once every three years or so."For half an hour they talked.I confess that I cannot repeat the conversation.You will find it in books in the circulating library.
When that part of it was over, Mary said:
"And did you find what you wanted while you were abroad?""What I wanted?" said Ives.
"Yes.You know you were always queer.Even as a boy you wouldn't play marbles or baseball or any game with rules.You wanted to dive in water where you didn't know whether it was ten inches or ten feet deep.And when you grew up you were just the same.We've often talked about your peculiar ways.""I suppose I am an incorrigible," said Ives."I am opposed to the doctrine of predestination, to the rule of three, gravitation, taxation, and everything of the kind.Life has always seemed to me something like a serial story would be if they printed above each instalment a synopsis of _succeeding_ chapters."Mary laughed merrily.