Newman stood a moment, hesitating.Then at last "Don't forget about your friend," he said, "Madame What's-her-name? the proud beauty.
Ask her to dinner, and give me a good notice." And with this he departed.
Some days later he came back; it was in the afternoon.
He found Mrs.Tristram in her drawing-room; with her was a visitor, a woman young and pretty, dressed in white.The two ladies had risen and the visitor was apparently taking her leave.
As Newman approached, he received from Mrs.Tristram a glance of the most vivid significance, which he was not immediately able to interpret.
"This is a good friend of ours," she said, turning to her companion, "Mr.Christopher Newman.I have spoken of you to him and he has an extreme desire to make your acquaintance.
If you had consented to come and dine, I should have offered him an opportunity."The stranger turned her face toward Newman, with a smile.
He was not embarrassed, for his unconscious sang-froid was boundless; but as he became aware that this was the proud and beautiful Madame de Cintre, the loveliest woman in the world, the promised perfection, the proposed ideal, he made an instinctive movement to gather his wits together.
Through the slight preoccupation that it produced he had a sense of a long, fair face, and of two eyes that were both brilliant and mild.
"I should have been most happy," said Madame de Cintre.
"Unfortunately, as I have been telling Mrs.Tristram, I go on Monday to the country."Newman had made a solemn bow."I am very sorry," he said.
"Paris is getting too warm," Madame de Cintre added, taking her friend's hand again in farewell.
Mrs.Tristram seemed to have formed a sudden and somewhat venturesome resolution, and she smiled more intensely, as women do when they take such resolution."I want Mr.Newman to know you,"she said, dropping her head on one side and looking at Madame de Cintre's bonnet ribbons.
Christopher Newman stood gravely silent, while his native penetration admonished him.Mrs.Tristram was determined to force her friend to address him a word of encouragement which should be more than one of the common formulas of politeness;and if she was prompted by charity, it was by the charity that begins at home.Madame de Cintre was her dearest Claire, and her especial admiration but Madame de Cintre had found it impossible to dine with her and Madame de Cintre should for once be forced gently to render tribute to Mrs.Tristram.
"It would give me great pleasure," she said, looking at Mrs.Tristram.
"That's a great deal," cried the latter, "for Madame de Cintre to say!""I am very much obliged to you," said Newman."Mrs.Tristram can speak better for me than I can speak for myself."Madame de Cintre looked at him again, with the same soft brightness.
"Are you to be long in Paris?" she asked.
"We shall keep him," said Mrs.Tristram.
"But you are keeping ME!" and Madame de Cintre shook her friend's hand.
"A moment longer," said Mrs.Tristram.
Madame de Cintre looked at Newman again; this time without her smile.
Her eyes lingered a moment."Will you come and see me?" she asked.
Mrs.Tristram kissed her.Newman expressed his thanks, and she took her leave.Her hostess went with her to the door, and left Newman alone a moment.Presently she returned, rubbing her hands."It was a fortunate chance," she said.