watchin',watching, watter,water, wauken,awake; wake, waukens,wakes, waukin',waking, waukit,woke, waukmill,fulling mill, wauk-mill,fulling-mill, waur,worse,also spend money waure,ware, weddin',wedding, wee,small; little; bit,also short time; while weel,well; fine, weel-behaved,well-behaved, weelfaur,welfare, weel's,well as, weet,wet; dew; rain, weicht,weight, weir,wear,also hedge; fence; enclosure weirs,wears, weyver,weaver; knitter,also knitter of stockings; spider wha,who, wha',who, whaever,whoever, whan,when, wharever,wherever, wha's,who is,also whose whase,whose, What for no?,Why not?, What for?,Why?, whaur,where, whaur'll,where will, whaur's,where is; where has, wheen,little; few; number; quantity, whiles,sometimes; at times; now and then, whilie,short time, whilk,which, whumle,whelm; overwhelm; upset, whusky,whisky, whustle,whistle, whustled,whistled, wi',with, wice,wise, wife,woman; landlady,also wife wight,fellow, willin'ly,willingly, willna,will not, win,reach; gain; get; go; come, win',wind,also reach; gain; get; go; come winkit,winked, winna,will not, winnin',reaching; gaining; getting, winnock,window, winsome,large; comely; merry, wi'oot,without, wirrycow,scarecrow, wis,was,also wish wiss,wish, wissed,wished, wit,intelligence; information,also sense; wisdom wite,blame; reproach; fault, withoot,without, withstan',withstand, wob,web; woven material, wolums,volumes, wonner,wonder; marvel, wonnerfu',wonderful; great; large, wonnerin',wondering, wonnert,wondered, wordy,little word; little saying or proverb,diminutive workin',working, worryin',worrying, wouldna,would not, wow,woe,exclamation of wonder or grief or satisfaction wrang,wrong; injured, writin',writing, wud,wood; forest,adj.-enraged; angry; mad; also would wuddyfous,gallows' birds; scamps,also small ill-tempered persons wull,will; wish; desire,also astray; stray; wild wuman,woman, wumman,woman, wuss,wish, wynd,narrow lane or street; alley, wynds,narrow lanes or streets; alleys, wyte,blame; reproach; fault, yaird,yard; garden; farmyard,also yard (36 inches)yairds,yards; gardens,also yards (1 yard = 36 inches)ye,you; yourself, year,years,also year ye'll,you will, Yellow-beak,first year's student,at Aberdeen University yer,your, yer lane,on your own, ye're,you are, yersel,yourself, yer'sel,yourself, yersel',yourself, yersels,yourselves, ye've,you have, yird,earth, yon,that; those; that there; these, yonner,yonder; over there; in that place, yon's,that is; that (thing) there is, yoong,young, yowth,youth.