After we'd had a good look round and seen the good well-bred stock in the paddocks, the growing crops all looking first-rate, everything well fed and hearty, showing there was no stint of grub for anything, man or beast, we rode away from the big house entrance and came opposite the slip-rails on the flat that led to the old cottage.
`Wouldn't you like to go in just for a minute, Dick?' says Aileen.
I knew what she was thinking of.
I was half a mind not, but then something seemed to draw me, and I was off my horse and had the slip-rail down before I knew where I was.
We rode up to the porch just outside the verandah where George's father had planted the creeping roses; big clusters of bloom they used to have on 'em when I was a boy.He showed 'em to me, I remember, and said what fine climbers they were.Now they were all over the porch, and the verandah, and the roof of the cottage, all among the shingles.
But Mrs.Storefield wouldn't have 'em cut because her old man had planted 'em.
She came out to see us.
`Well, Ailie, child,' says she, `come along in, don't sit there on your horse.
Who's this you've got with you? Oh! it's you, Dick, is it?
My eyes ain't as good as they were.Well, come along in too.
You're on the wrong road, and worse 'll come of it.But come along in, I'm not going to be the one to hunt you.I remember old times when you were a little toddling chap, as bold as a lion, and no one dreamt you'd grow up to be the wild chap you are.Gracey's inside, I think.
She's as big a fool about ye as ever.'
I very near broke down at this.I could stand hard usage, and send back as good as I got; but this good old woman, that had no call to think anything of me, but that I'd spoiled her daughter's chance of marrying well and respectably -- when she talked to me this way, I came close up to making a fool of myself.
We walked in.Gracey was sewing away in the little parlour, where there always used to be a nosegay when I was a boy, and it was that clean and neat I was afraid to go into it, and never easy till I got out again.There she sat as sober-looking and steady as if she'd been there for five years, and meant to be for five years more.
She wasn't thinking of anybody coming, but when she looked up and saw me her face changed all of a sudden, and she jumped up and dropped her work on the floor.
`Why, whatever brings you here, Dick?' she said.`Don't you know it's terribly dangerous? Sir Ferdinand is always about here now.
He stayed at George's new house last night.Wasn't he at Rocky Flat to-day?'
`Yes, but he won't be back for a week.He told Aileen here he wouldn't.'
Here I looked at them both.
`Aileen's carrying on quite a flirtation with Sir Ferdinand,' says Gracey.
`I don't know what some one else would say if he saw everything.'
`Doesn't he talk to any one when he comes here, or make himself pleasant?'
I said.`Perhaps there's more than one in the game.'
`Perhaps there is,' says Gracey; `but he thinks, I believe, that he can get something out of us girls about you and your goings on, and where you plant; and we think we're quite as clever as he is, and might learn something useful too.So that's how the matter lies at present.Are you going to be jealous?'
`Not a bit in the world,' I said, `even if I had the right.
I'll back you two, as simple as you look, against any inspector of police from here to South Australia.'
After this we began to talk about other things, and I told Gracey all about our plans and intentions.She listened very quiet and steady to it all, and then she said she thought something might come of it.
Anyhow, she would go whenever I sent for her to come, no matter where.
`What I've said to you, Dick, I've said for good and all.
It may be in a month or two, or it may be years and years.
But whenever the time comes, and we have a chance, a reasonable chance, of living peaceably and happily, you may depend upon my keeping my word if I'm alive.'
We three had a little more talk together, and Aileen and I mounted and rode home.
It was getting on dusk when we started.They wanted us to stop, but I daren't do it.It was none too safe as it was, and it didn't do to throw a chance away.Besides, I didn't want to be seen hanging about George's place.There was nobody likely to know about Aileen and me riding up together and stopping half-an-hour;but if it came to spending the evening, there was no saying who might have ears and eyes open.At home I could have my horse ready at a minute's warning, and be off like a shot at the first whisper of danger.
So off we went.We didn't ride very fast back.It was many a day since we had ridden over that ground together side by side.
It might be many a day, years perhaps, before we did the same thing again.
Perhaps never! Who was to know? In the risks of a life like mine, I might never come back -- never set eyes again upon the sister that would have given her life for mine! Never watch the stars glitter through the forest-oak branches, or hear the little creek ripple over the slate bar as it did to-night.