BUCHINI.- MI LOR, JE VAIS VOUS RACONTER MON HISTOIRE DUCOMMENCEMENT JUSQU'ICI: - my father was a native of Sceira in Greece, from whence at an early age he repaired to Pera, where he served as janitor in the hotels of various ambassadors, by whom he was much respected for his fidelity.Amongst others of these gentlemen, he served him of your own nation: this occurred at the time that there was war between England and the Porte.* Monsieur the Ambassador had to escape for his life, leaving the greater part of his valuables to the care of my father, who concealed them at his own great risk, and when the dispute was settled, restored them to Monsieur, even to the most inconsiderable trinket.I mention this circumstance to show you that I am of a family which cherishes principles of honour, and in which confidence may be placed.My father married a daughter of Pera, ET MOI JE SUIS L'UNIQUE FRUIT DE CEMARIAGE.Of my mother I know nothing, as she died shortly after my birth.A family of wealthy Jews took pity on my forlorn condition and offered to bring me up, to which my father gladly consented; and with them I continued several years, until I was a BEAU GARCON; they were very fond of me, and at last offered to adopt me, and at their death to bequeath me all they had, on condition of my becoming a Jew.MAIS LACIRCONCISION N'ETOIT GUERE A MON GOUT; especially that of the Jews, for I am a Greek, am proud, and have principles of honour.I quitted them, therefore, saying that if ever Iallowed myself to be converted, it should be to the faith of the Turks, for they are men, are proud, and have principles of honour like myself.I then returned to my father, who procured me various situations, none of which were to my liking, until Iwas placed in the house of Monsieur Zea.
* This was possibly the period when Admiral Duckworth attempted to force the passage of the Dardanelles.
MYSELF.- You mean, I suppose, Zea Bermudez, who chanced to be at Constantinople.
BUCHINI.- Just so, mi Lor, and with him I continued during his stay.He put great confidence in me, more especially as I spoke the pure Spanish language, which Iacquired amongst the Jews, who, as I have heard Monsieur Zea say, speak it better than the present natives of Spain.
I shall not follow the Greek step by step throughout his history, which was rather lengthy: suffice it to say, that he was brought by Zea Bermudez from Constantinople to Spain, where he continued in his service for many years, and from whose house he was expelled for marrying a Guipuscoan damsel, who was fille de chambre to Madame Zea; since which time it appeared that he had served an infinity of masters; sometimes as valet, sometimes as cook, but generally in the last capacity.He confessed, however, that he had seldom continued more than three days in the same service, on account of the disputes which were sure to arise in the house almost immediately after his admission, and for which he could assign no other reason than his being a Greek, and having principles of honour.
Amongst other persons whom he had served was General Cordova, who he said was a bad paymaster, and was in the habit of maltreating his domestics."But he found his match in me,"said Antonio, "for I was prepared for him; and once, when he drew his sword against me, I pulled out a pistol and pointed it in his face.He grew pale as death, and from that hour treated me with all kinds of condescension.It was only pretence, however, for the affair rankled in his mind; he had determined upon revenge, and on being appointed to the command of the army, he was particularly anxious that I should attend him to the camp.MAIS JE LUI RIS AU NEZ, made the sign of the cortamanga - asked for my wages, and left him; and well it was that I did so, for the very domestic whom he took with him he caused to be shot upon a charge of mutiny.""I am afraid," said I, "that you are of a turbulent disposition, and that the disputes to which you have alluded are solely to be attributed to the badness of your temper.""What would you have, Monsieur? MOI JE SUIS GREC, JESUIS FIER ET J'AI DES PRINCIPES D'HONNEUR.I expect to be treated with a certain consideration, though I confess that my temper is none of the best, and that at times I am tempted to quarrel with the pots and pans in the kitchen.I think, upon the whole, that it will be for your advantage to engage me, and I promise you to be on my guard.There is one thing that pleases me relating to you, you are unmarried.Now, I would rather serve a young unmarried man for love and friendship, than a Benedict for fifty dollars per month.Madame is sure to hate me, and so is her waiting woman; and more particularly the latter, because I am a married man.I see that mi Lor is willing to engage me.""But you say you are a married man," I replied; "how can you desert your wife, for I am about to leave Madrid, and to travel into the remote and mountainous parts of Spain.""My wife will receive the moiety of my wages, while I am absent, mi Lor, and therefore will have no reason to complain of being deserted.Complain! did I say; my wife is at present too well instructed to complain.She never speaks nor sits in my presence unless I give her permission.Am I not a Greek, and do I not know how to govern my own house? Engage me, mi Lor, I am a man of many capacities: a discreet valet, an excellent cook, a good groom and light rider; in a word, I am [Greek word which cannot be reproduced].What would you more?"I asked him his terms, which were extravagant, notwithstanding his PRINCIPES D'HONNEUR.I found, however, that he was willing to take one half.
I had no sooner engaged him, than seizing the tureen of soup, which had by this time become quite cold, he placed it on the top of his forefinger, or rather on the nail thereof, causing it to make various circumvolutions over his head, to my great astonishment, without spilling a drop, then springing with it to the door, he vanished, and in another moment made his appearance with the puchera, which, after a similar bound and flourish, he deposited on the table; then suffering his hands to sink before him, he put one over the other and stood at his ease with half-shut eyes, for all the world as if he had been in my service twenty years.
And in this manner Antonio Buchini entered upon his duties.Many was the wild spot to which he subsequently accompanied me; many the wild adventure of which he was the sharer.His behaviour was frequently in the highest degree extraordinary, but he served me courageously and faithfully:
such a valet, take him for all in all, "His like I ne'er expect to see again."KOSKO BAKH ANTON.