第63章 Part the Second (21)
When a man leaves property to his heirs, he does not connect it with an obligation that they shall accept it.Why, then, should we do otherwise with respect to constitutions? The best constitution that could now be devised, consistent with the condition of the present moment, may be far short of that excellence which a few years may afford.There is a morning of reason rising upon man on the subject of government, that has not appeared before.As the barbarism of the present old governments expires, the moral conditions of nations with respect to each other will be changed.Man will not be brought up with the savage idea of considering his species as his enemy, because the accident of birth gave the individuals existence in countries distinguished by different names; and as constitutions have always some relation to external as well as to domestic circumstances, the means of benefitting by every change, foreign or domestic, should be a part of every constitution.We already see an alteration in the national disposition of England and France towards each other, which, when we look back to only a few years, is itself a Revolution.Who could have foreseen, or who could have believed, that a French National Assembly would ever have been a popular toast in England, or that a friendly alliance of the two nations should become the wish of either? It shows that man, were he not corrupted by governments, is naturally the friend of man, and that human nature is not of itself vicious.That spirit of jealousy and ferocity, which the governments of the two countries inspired, and which they rendered subservient to the purpose of taxation, is now yielding to the dictates of reason, interest, and humanity.The trade of courts is beginning to be understood, and the affectation of mystery, with all the artificial sorcery by which they imposed upon mankind, is on the decline.It has received its death-wound; and though it may linger, it will expire.Government ought to be as much open to improvement as anything which appertains to man, instead of which it has been monopolised from age to age, by the most ignorant and vicious of the human race.Need we any other proof of their wretched management, than the excess of debts and taxes with which every nation groans, and the quarrels into which they have precipitated the world? Just emerging from such a barbarous condition, it is too soon to determine to what extent of improvement government may yet be carried.For what we can foresee, all Europe may form but one great Republic, and man be free of the whole.
Ways And Means Of Improving The Condition Of Europe Interspersed With Miscellaneous Observations In contemplating a subject that embraces with equatorial magnitude the whole region of humanity it is impossible to confine the pursuit in one single direction.It takes ground on every character and condition that appertains to man, and blends the individual, the nation, and the world.From a small spark, kindled in America, a flame has arisen not to be extinguished.
Without consuming, like the Ultima Ratio Regum, it winds its progress from nation to nation, and conquers by a silent operation.Man finds himself changed, he scarcely perceives how.He acquires a knowledge of his rights by attending justly to his interest, and discovers in the event that the strength and powers of despotism consist wholly in the fear of resisting it, and that, in order "to be free, it is sufficient that he wills it."Having in all the preceding parts of this work endeavoured to establish a system of principles as a basis on which governments ought to be erected, I shall proceed in this, to the ways and means of rendering them into practice.But in order to introduce this part of the subject with more propriety, and stronger effect, some preliminary observations, deducible from, or connected with, those principles, are necessary.
Whatever the form or constitution of government may be, it ought to have no other object than the general happiness.When, instead of this, it operates to create and increase wretchedness in any of the parts of society, it is on a wrong system, and reformation is necessary.Customary language has classed the condition of man under the two descriptions of civilised and uncivilised life.To the one it has ascribed felicity and affluence;to the other hardship and want.But, however our imagination may be impressed by painting and comparison, it is nevertheless true, that a great portion of mankind, in what are called civilised countries, are in a state of poverty and wretchedness, far below the condition of an Indian.I speak not of one country, but of all.It is so in England, it is so all over Europe.Let us enquire into the cause.