He sometime afterwards laid aside this dial-plate;and when I asked him the reason,he said,'It might do very well upon a clock which a man keeps in his closet;but to have it upon his watch which he carries about with him,and which is often looked at by others,might be censured as ostentatious.'Mr.Steevens is now possessed of the dial-plate inscribed as above.
He remained at Oxford a considerable time;I was obliged to go to London,where I received his letter,which had been returned from Scotland.
'MY DEAR BOSWELL,--I have omitted a long time to write to you,without knowing very well why.I could now tell why I should not write;for who would write to men who publish the letters of their friends,without their leave?Yet I write to you in spite of my caution,to tell you that I shall be glad to see you,and that Iwish you would empty your head of Corsica,which I think has filled it rather too long.But,at all events,I shall be glad,very glad to see you.I am,Sir,yours affectionately,'SAM.JOHNSON.'
'Oxford,March 23,1768.'
Upon his arrival in London in May,he surprized me one morning with a visit at my lodgings in Half-Moon-street,was quite satisfied with my explanation,and was in the kindest and most agreeable frame of mind.As he had objected to a part of one of his letters being published,I thought it right to take this opportunity of asking him explicitly whether it would be improper to publish his letters after his death.His answer was,'Nay,Sir,when I am dead,you may do as you will.'
He talked in his usual style with a rough contempt of popular liberty.'They make a rout about UNIVERSAL liberty,without considering that all that is to be valued,or indeed can be enjoyed by individuals,is PRIVATE liberty.Political liberty is good only so far as it produces private liberty.Now,Sir,there is the liberty of the press,which you know is a constant topick.Suppose you and I and two hundred more were restrained from printing our thoughts:what then?What proportion would that restraint upon us bear to the private happiness of the nation?'
This mode of representing the inconveniences of restraint as light and insignificant,was a kind of sophistry in which he delighted to indulge himself,in opposition to the extreme laxity for which it has been fashionable for too many to argue,when it is evident,upon reflection,that the very essence of government is restraint;and certain it is,that as government produces rational happiness,too much restraint is better than too little.But when restraint is unnecessary,and so close as to gall those who are subject to it,the people may and ought to remonstrate;and,if relief is not granted,to resist.Of this manly and spirited principle,no man was more convinced than Johnson himself.
His sincere regard for Francis Barber,his faithful negro servant,made him so desirous of his further improvement,that he now placed him at a school at Bishop Stortford,in Hertfordshire.This humane attention does Johnson's heart much honour.Out of many letters which Mr.Barber received from his master,he has preserved three,which he kindly gave me,and which I shall insert according to their dates.
'DEAR FRANCIS,--I have been very much out of order.I am glad to hear that you are well,and design to come soon to see you.Iwould have you stay at Mrs.Clapp's for the present,till I can determine what we shall do.Be a good boy.
'My compliments to Mrs.Clapp and to Mr.Fowler.I am,your's affectionately,SAM.JOHNSON.'
'May 28,1768.'
Soon afterwards,he supped at the Crown and Anchor tavern,in the Strand,with a company whom I collected to meet him.They were Dr.
Percy,now Bishop of Dromore,Dr.Douglas,now Bishop of Salisbury,Mr.Langton,Dr.Robertson the Historian,Dr.Hugh Blair,and Mr.
Thomas Davies,who wished much to be introduced to these eminent Scotch literati;but on the present occasion he had very little opportunity of hearing them talk,for with an excess of prudence,for which Johnson afterwards found fault with them,they hardly opened their lips,and that only to say something which they were certain would not expose them to the sword of Goliath;such was their anxiety for their fame when in the presence of Johnson.He was this evening in remarkable vigour of mind,and eager to exert himself in conversation,which he did with great readiness and fluency;but I am sorry to find that I have preserved but a small part of what passed.
He was vehement against old Dr.Mounsey,of Chelsea College,as 'a fellow who swore and talked bawdy.''I have been often in his company,(said Dr.Percy,)and never heard him swear or talk bawdy.'Mr.Davies,who sat next to Dr.Percy,having after this had some conversation aside with him,made a discovery which,in his zeal to pay court to Dr.Johnson,he eagerly proclaimed aloud from the foot of the table:'O,Sir,I have found out a very good reason why Dr.Percy never heard Mounsey swear or talk bawdy;for he tells me,he never saw him but at the Duke of Northumberland's table.''And so,Sir,(said Johnson loudly,to Dr.Percy,)you would shield this man from the charge of swearing and talking bawdy,because he did not do so at the Duke of Northumberland's table.Sir,you might as well tell us that you had seen him hold up his hand at the Old Bailey,and he neither swore nor talked bawdy;or that you had seen him in the cart at Tyburn,and he neither swore nor talked bawdy.And is it thus,Sir,that you presume to controvert what I have related?'Dr.Johnson's animadversion was uttered in such a manner,that Dr.Percy seemed to be displeased,and soon afterwards left the company,of which Johnson did not at that time take any notice.