Philip Re-Enters THE next morning was very wet - the sort of morning on which male neighbours who have no imperative occupation at home are likely to pay their fair friends an illimitable visit.The rain, which has been endurable enough for the walk or ride one way, is sure to become so heavy and at the same time so certain to clear up by and by, that nothing but an open quarrel can abbreviate the visit: latent detestation will not do at all.And if people happen to be lovers, what can be so delightful - in England - as a rainy morning? English sunshine is dubious: bonnets are never quite secure;and if you sit down on the grass, it may lead to catarrhs.But the rain is to be depended on.You gallop through it in a mackintosh and presently find yourself in the seat you like best - a little above or a little below the one on which your goddess sits - (it is the same thing to the metaphysic mind, and that is the reason why women are at once worshipped and looked down upon) - with a satisfactory confidence that there will be no lady-callers.
`Stephen will come earlier this morning, I know,' said Lucy.`He always does when it's rainy.'
Maggie made no answer.She was angry with Stephen; she began to think she should dislike him; and if it had not been for the rain, she would have gone to her aunt Glegg's this morning, and so have avoided him altogether.
As it was, she must find some reason for remaining out of the room with her mother.
But Stephen did not come earlier, and there was another visitor - a nearer neighbour - who preceded him.When Philip entered the room, he was going merely to bow to Maggie, feeling that their acquaintance was a secret which he was bound not to betray; but when she advanced towards him and put out her hand, he guessed at once that Lucy had been taken into her confidence.It was a moment of some agitation to both, though Philip had spent many hours in preparing for it; but like all persons who have passed through life with little expectation of sympathy, he seldom lost his self-control, and shrank with the most sensitive pride from any noticeable betrayal of emotion.A little extra paleness, a little tension of the nostril when he spoke, and the voice pitched in rather a higher key, that to strangers would seem expressive of cold indifference, were all the signs Philip usually gave of an inward drama that was not without its fierceness.But Maggie who had little more power of concealing the impressions made upon her than if she had been constructed of musical strings, felt her eyes getting larger with tears as they took each other's hands in silence.They were not painful tears: they had rather something of the same origin as the tears women and children shed when they have found some protection to cling to, and look back on the threatened danger.For Philip who a little while ago was associated continually in Maggie's mind with the sense that Tom might reproach her with some justice, had now, in this short space, become a sort of outward conscience to her, that she might fly to rescue and strength.Her tranquil, tender affection for Philip, with its root deep down in her childhood, and its memories of long quiet talk confirming by distinct successive impressions the first instinctive bias - the fact that in him the appeal was more strongly to her pity and womanly devotedness than to her vanity or other egoistic excitability of her nature - seemed now to make a sort of sacred place, a sanctuary where she could find refuge from an alluring influence which the best part of herself must resist, which must bring horrible tumult within, wretchedness without.This new sense of her relation to Philip multiplied the anxious scruples she would otherwise have felt lest she should overstep the limit of intercourse with him that Tom would sanction, and she put out her hand to him and felt the tears in her eyes without any consciousness of an inward check.The scene was just what Lucy expected, and her kind heart delighted in bringing Philip and Maggie together again;though even with all her regard for Philip, she could not resist the impression that her cousin Tom had some excuse for feeling shocked at the physical incongruity between the two - a prosaic person like cousin Tom, who didn't like poetry and fairy tales.But she began to speak as soon as possible, to set them at ease.
`This was very good and virtuous of you,' she said, in her pretty treble, like the low conversational notes of little birds, `to come so soon after your arrival.And as it is, I think I will pardon you for running away in an inopportune manner, and giving your friends no notice.Come and sit down here,' she went on, placing the chair that would suit him best, `and you shall find yourself treated mercifully.'
`You will never govern well, Miss Deane,' said Philip, as he seated himself, `because no one will ever believe in your severity.People will always encourage themselves in misdemeanours by the certainty that you will be indulgent.'
Lucy gave some playful contradiction, but Philip did not hear what it was, for he had naturally turned towards Maggie, and she was looking at him with that open, affectionate scrutiny which we give to a friend from whom we have been long separated.What a moment their parting had been!And Philip felt as if he were only in the morrow of it.He felt this so keenly - with such intense, detailed remembrance - with such passionate revival of all that had been said and looked in their last conversation - that with that jealousy and distrust which in diffident natures is almost inevitably linked with a strong feeling, he thought he read in Maggie's glance and manner the evidence of a change.The very fact that he feared and half expected it, would be sure to make this thought rush in, in the absence of positive proof to the contrary.