第37章 How the Brigadier Triumphed in England(7)
"Come, come, sir, take your shot!" cried the colonel from the mat."Let us have it, then," said Lord Dacre.
I would, at least, show them how completely his life was at the mercy of my skill.So much I owed to my own self-respect.I glanced round for a mark.The colonel was looking toward my antagonist, expecting to see him drop.His face was sideways to me, his long cigar projecting from his lips with an inch of ash at the end of it.
Quick as a flash I raised my pistol and fired.
"Permit me to trim your ash, sir," said I, and I bowed with a grace which is unknown among these islanders.
I am convinced that the fault lay with the pistol and not with my aim.I could hardly believe my own eyes when I saw that I had snapped off the cigar within half an inch of his lips.He stood staring at me with the ragged stub of the cigar-end sticking out from his singed mustache.I can see him now with his foolish, angry eyes and his long, thin, puzzled face.Then he began to talk.I have always said that the English are not really a phlegmatic or a taciturn nation if you stir them out of their groove.No one could have talked in a more animated way than this colonel.Lady Jane put her hands over her ears.
"Come, come, Colonel Berkeley," said Lord Dacre, sternly, "you forget yourself.There is a lady in the room."The colonel gave a stiff bow.
"If Lady Dacre will kindly leave the room," said he,"I will be able to tell this infernal little Frenchman what I think of him and his monkey tricks."I was splendid at that moment, for I ignored the words that he had said and remembered only the extreme provocation.
"Sir," said I, "I freely offer you my apologies for this unhappy incident.I felt that if I did not discharge my pistol Lord Dacre's honour might feel hurt, and yet it was quite impossible for me, after hearing what this lady has said, to aim it at her husband.I looked round for a mark, therefore, and I had the extreme misfortune to blow your cigar out of your mouth when my intention had merely been to snuff the ash.I was betrayed by my pistol.This is my explanation, sir, and if after listening to myapologies you still feel that I owe you satisfaction, I need not say that it is a request which I am unable to refuse."It was certainly a charming attitude which I had assumed, and it won the hearts of all of them.Lord Dacre stepped forward and wrung me by the hand."By George, sir," said he, "I never thought to feel toward a Frenchman as I do to you.You're a man and a gentleman, and I can't say more." Lord Rufton said nothing, but his hand-grip told me all that he thought.Even Colonel Berkeley paid me a compliment, and declared that he would think no more about the unfortunate cigar.
And she--ah, if you could have seen the look she gave me, the flushed cheek, the moist eye, the tremulous lip!
When I think of my beautiful Lady Jane it is at that moment that I recall her.They would have had me stay to dinner, but you will understand, my friends, that this was no time for either Lord Rufton or myself to remain at Gravel Hanger.This reconciled couple desired only to be alone.In the chaise he had persuaded her of his sincere repentance, and once again they were a loving husband and wife.If they were to remain so it was best perhaps that I should go.Why should I unsettle this domestic peace? Even against my own will my mere presence and appearance might have their effect upon the lady.No, no, I must tear myself away--even her persuasions were unable to make me stop.Years afterward I heard that the household of the Dacres was among the happiest in the whole country, and that no cloud had ever come again to darken their lives.Yet I dare say if he could have seen into his wife's mind--but there, I say no more! A lady's secret is her own, and I fear that she and it are buried long years ago in some Devonshire churchyard.Perhaps all that gay circle are gone and the Lady Jane only lives now in the memory of an old half-pay French brigadier.He at least can never forget.