But to proceed to another topic.The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice.[11] Accordingly, in addition to[12] this method of ordering the march by word passed along the line, the appointment of file- leaders seems desirable, who again are to be supplemented by section- leaders,[13] so that the number of men to whom each petty officer has to transmit an order will be very few;[14] while the section-leaders will deploy and increase the front, whatever the formation, without confusion, whenever there is occasion for the movement.[15]
[11] i.e."given by general word of command, or in writing." As to the"word-of-mouth command," see above, S.3; "Hell."VII.v.9; and for the "herald," see "Anab." III.iv.36.
[12] Reading {pros to dia p.}, or if {pros to}...transl."with a view to."[13] Lit.pempadarchs, i.e.No.6 in the file.See "Cyrop." II.i.22 foll., iii.21.
[14] Lit."so that each officer may pass the word to as few as possible."[15] Cf."Anab." IV.vi.6.
When an advanced guard is needed, I say for myself I highly approve of secret pickets and outposts, if only because in supplying a guard toprotect your friends you are contriving an ambuscade to catch the enemy.Also the outposts will be less exposed to a secret attack, being themselves unseen, and yet a source of great alarm to the enemy; since the bare knowledge that there are outposts somewhere, though where precisely no man knows, will prevent the enemy from feeling confident, and oblige him to mistrust every tenable position.An exposed outpost, on the contrary, presents to the broad eye of day its dangers and also its weaknesses.[16] Besides which, the holder of a concealed outpost can always place a few exposed vedettes beyond his hidden pickets, and so endeavour to decoy the enemy into an ambuscade.Or he may play the part of trapper with effect by placing a second exposed outpost in rear of the other; a device which may serve to take in the unwary foeman quite as well as that before named.
[16] Lit."makes plain its grounds of terror as of confidence."Indeed I take it to be the mark of a really prudent general never to run a risk of his own choosing, except where it is plain to him beforehand, that he will get the better of his adversary.To play into the enemy's hands may more fitly be described as treason to one's fellow-combatants than true manliness.So, too, true generalship consists in attacking where the enemy is weakest, even if the point be some leagues distant.Severity of toil weighs nothing in the scale against the danger of engaging a force superior to your own.[17] Still, if on any occasion the enemy advance in any way to place himself between fortified points that are friendly to you, let him be never so superior in force, your game is to attack on whichever flank you can best conceal your advance, or, still better, on both flanks simultaneously; since, while one detachment is retiring after delivering its attack, a charge pressed home from the opposite quarter cannot fail to throw the enemy into confusion and to give safety to your friends.
[17] N.B.Throughout this treatise the author has to meet the case of a small force of cavalry acting on the defensive.
How excellent a thing it is to endeavour to ascertain an enemy's position by means of spies and so forth, as in ancient story; yet best of all, in my opinion, is it for the commander to try to seize some coign of vantage, from which with his own eyes he may descry the movements ofthe enemy and watch for any error on his part.[18]
[18] As, e.g.Epaminondas at Tegea.See "Hell." VII.v.9.
Whatever may be snatched by ruse, thief fashion,[19] your business is to send a competent patrol to seize; or again where capture by coup de main[20] is practicable, you will despatch a requisite body of troops to effect a coup de main.Or take the case: the enemy is on the march in some direction, and a portion of his force becomes detached from his main body or through excess of confidence is caught straggling; do not let the opportunity escape, but make it a rule always to pursue a weaker with a stronger force.[21] These, indeed, are rules of procedure, which it only requires a simple effort of the mind to appreciate.Creatures far duller of wit than man have this ability: kites and falcons, when anything is left unguarded, pounce and carry it off and retire into safety without being caught; or wolves, again, will hunt down any quarry left widowed of its guard, or thieve what they can in darksome corners.[22] In case a dog pursues and overtakes them, should he chance to be weaker the wolf attacks him, or if stronger, the wolf will slaughter[23] his quarry and make off.At other times, if the pack be strong enough to make light of the guardians of a flock, they will marshal their battalions, as it were, some to drive off the guard and others to effect the capture, and so by stealth or fair fight they provide themselves with the necessaries of life.I say, if dumb beasts are capable of conducting a raid with so much sense and skill, it is hard if any average man cannot prove himself equally intelligent with creatures which themselves fall victims to the craft of man.
[19] e.g.defiles, bridges, outposts, stores, etc.
[20] e.g.a line of outposts, troops in billets or bivouac, etc.
[21] "It is a maxim, the quarry should be weaker than the pursuer." [22] Zeune cf.Ael."N.A." viii.14, on the skill of wolves inhunting.
[23] For {aposphaxas} Courier suggests {apospasas}, "dragging off what he can."