第69章 The Frog and the Lion Fairy(3)
'What gods or men are protecting you?' she asked, with a frown.'This earth, dried up by a constant rain of sulphur and fire, produces nothing, yet I hear that YOUR bed is made of sweet smelling herbs.
However, as you can get flowers for yourself, of course you can get them for me, and in an hour's time I must have in my room a nosegay of the rarest flowers.If not--! Now you can go.'
The poor queen returned to her house looking so sad that the frog, who was waiting for her, noticed it directly.
'What is the matter?' said she, smiling.
'Oh, how can you laugh!' replied the queen.'This time I have to bring her in an hour a posy of the rarest flowers, and where am I to find them? If I fail I know she will kill me.'
'Well, I must see if I can't help you,' answered the frog.'The only person I have made friends with here is a bat.She is a good creature, and always does what I tell her, so I will just lend her my cap, and if she puts it on, and flies into the world, she will bring back all we want.I would go myself, only she will be quicker.'
Then the queen dried her eyes, and waited patiently, and long before the hour had gone by the bat flew in with all the most beautiful and sweetest flowers that grew on the earth.The girl sprang up overjoyed at the sight, and hurried with them to the Lion Fairy, who was so astonished that for once she had nothing to say.
Now the smell and touch of the flowers had made the queen sick with longing for her home, and she told the frog that she would certainly die if she did not manage to escape somehow.
'Let me consult my cap,' said the frog; and taking it off she laid it in a box, and threw in after it a few sprigs of juniper, some capers, and two peas, which she carried under her right leg; she then shut down the lid of the box, and murmured some words which the queen did not catch.
In a few moments a voice was heard speaking from the box.
'Fate, who rules us all,' said the voice, 'forbids your leaving this place till the time shall come when certain things are fulfilled.But, instead, a gift shall be given you, which will comfort you in all your troubles.'
And the voice spoke truly, for, a few days after, when the frog peeped in at the door she found the most beautiful baby in the world lying by the side of the queen.
'So the cap has kept its word,' cried the frog with delight.'How soft its cheeks are, and what tiny feet it has got! What shall we call it?'
This was a very important point, and needed much discussion.Athousand names were proposed and rejected for a thousand silly reasons.
One was too long, and one was too short.One was too harsh, and another reminded the queen of somebody she did not like; but at length an idea flashed into the queen's head, and she called out:
'I know! We will call her Muffette.'
'That is the very thing,' shouted the frog, jumping high into the air;and so it was settled.
The princess Muffette was about six months old when the frog noticed that the queen had begun to grow sad again.
'Why do you have that look in your eyes?' she asked one day, when she had come in to play with the baby, who could now crawl.
The way they played their game was to let Muffette creep close to the frog, and then for the frog to bound high into the air and alight on the child's head, or back, or legs, when she always sent up a shout of pleasure.There is no play fellow like a frog; but then it must be a fairy frog, or else you might hurt it, and if you did something dreadful might happen to you.Well, as I have said, our frog was struck with the queen's sad face, and lost no time in asking her what was the reason.
'I don't see what you have to complain of now; Muffette is quite well and quite happy, and even the Lion Fairy is kind to her when she sees her.What is it?'
'Oh! if her father could only see her!' broke forth the queen, clasping her hands.'Or if I could only tell him all that has happened since we parted.But they will have brought him tidings of the broken carriage, and he will have thought me dead, or devoured by wild beasts.And though he will mourn for me long--I know that well--yet in time they will persuade him to take a wife, and she will be young and fair, and he will forget me.'
And in all this the queen guessed truly, save that nine long years were to pass before he would consent to put another in her place.
The frog answered nothing at the time, but stopped her game and hopped away among the cypress trees.Here she sat and thought and thought, and the next morning she went back to the queen and said:
'I have come, madam, to make you an offer.Shall I go to the king instead of you, and tell him of your sufferings, and that he has the most charming baby in the world for his daughter? The way is long, and I travel slowly; but, sooner or later, I shall be sure to arrive.
Only, are you not afraid to be left without my protection? Ponder the matter carefully; it is for you to decide.'
'Oh, it needs no pondering,' cried the queen joyfully, holding up her clasped hands, and making Muffette do likewise, in token of gratitude.
But in order that he may know that you have come from me I will send him a letter.' And pricking her arm, she wrote a few words with her blood on the corner of her handkerchief.Then tearing it off, she gave it to the frog, and they bade each other farewell.
It took the frog a year and four days to mount the ten thousand steps that led to the upper world, but that was because she was still under the spell of a wicked fairy.By the time she reached the top, she was so tired that she had to remain for another year on the banks of a stream to rest, and also to arrange the procession with which she was to present herself before the king.For she knew far too well what was due to herself and her relations, to appear at Court as if she was a mere nobody.At length, after many consultations with her cap, the affair was settled, and at the end of the second year after her parting with the queen they all set out.