第48章 TENDRIL-BEARERS--(continued)(14)
In B.littoralis the tendrils, petioles, and internodes, all revolve spontaneously.The stem, however, cannot twine, but ascends an upright stick by seizing it above with both tendrils together, which then contract into a spire.The tips of these tendrils become developed into adhesive discs.B.speciosa possesses similar powers of movement as the last species, but it cannot twine round a stick, though it can ascend by clasping the stick horizontally with one or both of its unbranched tendrils.These tendrils continually insert their pointed ends into minute crevices or holes, but as they are always withdrawn by the subsequent spiral contraction, the habit seems to us in our ignorance useless.Lastly, the stem of B.
capreolata twines imperfectly; the much-branched tendrils revolve in a capricious manner, and bend from the light to the dark; their hooked extremities, even whilst immature, crawl into crevices, and, when mature, seize any thin projecting point; in either case they develop adhesive discs, and these have the power of enveloping the finest fibres.
In the allied Eccremocarpus the internodes, petioles, and much-branched tendrils all spontaneously revolve together.The tendrils do not as a whole turn from the light; but their bluntly-hooked extremities arrange themselves neatly on any surface with which they come into contact, apparently so as to avoid the light.They act best when each branch seizes a few thin stems, like the culms of a grass, which they afterwards draw together into a solid bundle by the spiral contraction of all the branches.In Cobaea the finely-branched tendrils alone revolve; the branches terminate in sharp, hard, double, little hooks, with both points directed to the same side; and these turn by well-adapted movements to any object with which they come into contact.The tips of the branches also crawl into dark crevices or holes.The tendrils and internodes of Ampelopsis have little or no power of revolving; the tendrils are but little sensitive to contact; their hooked extremities cannot seize thin objects; they will not even clasp a stick, unless in extreme need of a support; but they turn from the light to the dark, and, spreading out their branches in contact with any nearly flat surface, develop discs.These adhere by the secretion of some cement to a wall, or even to a polished surface; and this is more than the discs of the Bignonia capreolata can effect.
The rapid development of these adherent discs is one of the most remarkable peculiarities possessed by any tendrils.We have seen that such discs are formed by two species of Bignonia, by Ampelopsis, and, according to Naudin, by the Cucurbitaceous genus Peponopsis adhaerens.In Anguria the lower surface of the tendril, after it has wound round a stick, forms a coarsely cellular layer, which closely fits the wood, but is not adherent; whilst in Hanburya a similar layer is adherent.The growth of these cellular out-growths depends, (except in the case of the Haplolophium and of one species of Ampelopsis,) on the stimulus from contact.It is a singular fact that three families, so widely distinct as the Bignoniaceae, Vitaceae, and Cucurbitaceae, should possess species with tendrils having this remarkable power.