a boy I see boy I see a boy I see a boygirl can and the girl I see a girl.
I see a boy.
I see a boy and a girl.The boy can see the girl.
I can see the girl and the boy.I can see the girl.
man has hat run See the man!
See the boy and the man! The man has a hat.
Has the boy a hat? The boy can run.Can the man run?
The man can see the boy run.a man can has hat adoll have my I have a hat.I have a doll.See my doll!
Can the doll see? I can see my doll.
Has the doll a hat? My doll has a hat.
The girl has a doll and a hat.a can has hat have aplay may take ball Can the boy play?
The boy can run and play.The boy can play ball.Can the man play ball?
The man may see the boy play.May the man take the hall? The boy may take the ball.
a may play take a baby little big Can the girl see the baby?
Can the baby see the little girl? The baby has a big doll.
The little girl has a ball.I can see the baby.
Can the baby see my big hat? The baby may have my ball.Take the ball, baby!
a may play take baby a dog it he with The man has a little dog.The boy has a big dog.See the little dog run! He has my ball.
May the big dog have it? May he take it?
The little dog may have the ball.He may run and play with it.
b big boy ball baby b bird she not fly See the little bird!
May the baby have it? May she take it?
She can not take it.The bird can fly.
The baby can not have the bird.She can not fly.
She may play with my doll.She may have my big hat.b baby big bird bcow is good toI see a man and a dog and a cow.The cow is with the man.
The dog has a big hat.He is a good little dog.
He may take the hat to the man.The man is good to the dog.
The cow can run.She can not play.c can cow ccatch come you meThe baby can not have the bird.She can not fly and catch it.
Can she catch the good little girl? Come, baby, come!
Come and catch me.Catch me and my big doll.
Catch me, and you may have the doll.You may have it to play with.
c can catch come c The boy has a big dog.
You may see the dog play ball.Can he catch it?
May I run and take it?
The man with the big hat has a cow.The girl is good to the little baby.The baby may have my big doll.She can not catch the bird.
She may come with me and see the bird fly.
can man me see cow come run is he has have hat boy ball baby big dog doll not bird girl good you my play may fly to little catch and it take she with theREVIEW.
one two drum go Come with me, and see the boys.One little boy has a drum.
Two boys have big hats.One boy has a ball.
See the boys go!
See the boys go with the drum.One, two; one, two; drum, drum! d dog doll drum ddress red glad willThe girls have come to play with the baby.Two girls have little dolls.
One girl has a red dress.
The baby is glad to see the girls.The girl with the red dress is May.May is glad to see the good baby.
She will take the baby to see the bird.d dress red glad bird dwe are three in field Come with me, little May.We will go to the field.
We will go and see the cows.The cows are in the field.My cow is red.
Two cows are not red.One and two are three.We have three cows.
eme we he she e tree pretty high Three birds are in the tree.One is a pretty red bird.You can not catch it.
It is high in the tree.
The red bird can see the boys with the drum.It can see the little girl with the red dress.
It can see the good baby and the pretty doll.It can see the man in the field.
Pretty birds, will you fly to me?ee see tree three eewagon let get ride nowThe little boy has a red wagon.Is it not a pretty one?
The boy will let little May ride in it.Come, May, come and see my wagon.You may get in it, and have a ride.
I will take you with me to the fields.You may have a good ride.
Is the drum in the wagon?
Let me get it.Now we will go.e red let get eapple yellow yes too if See my pretty red apple! I have three good apples.
One is red, and two are yellow.I will give you the red one.
May I have a yellow one, too?Yes.if you are a good girl.I see a big red apple in the tree.
Will you let me get it?
Yes, you may if it is not too high.e yes yellow get let red eFrank flowers find they themFrank and little May are in the field with the wagon.They have come to find flowers.
May has a red flower.
Frank has three yellow flowers.He will let May have them.
She will take them to the wagon She is glad to get the pretty flowers.f field kind flowers Frank fby nest here feedCome here, girls! I see a nest.Little birds are in it.
One, two, three.
The little birds can not fly.They are not pretty.
They will get pretty by and by.The big bird is not here now.She is high in the apple tree.
She will come to them by and by.She will come and feed them.
g girls get glad big g woods like home horse The boys like to go to the woods.Here they are now.
Here are the horse and the wagon.And here is the boy with the drum.They like to play in the woods.They like to find pretty flowers.
If they find little birds in a nest,they will not take them.By and by they will go home.
They will ride home in the wagon.h here high home horse hit.
sit give but whip Will you let me ride home with you, Frank?
Yes, May, you may sit by me in the wagon if you like.Get in, and give me the whip.
I will not whip the good horse.
Now, here we go! Here is the apple tree, but we can not see the nest in i sit give is whip thinkREVIEW.
Here are three boys and two girls by the big apple tree.One boy has a yellow drum and one has a whip.
The boy in the red wagon is Frank.The girls are glad to see Frank.
He will give them a ride.
They like to go with him to the fields and the woods.May we ride with you, Frank?
Yes, girls, get in! And you, too, boys! Sit by me and see the good horse go.
Now we will go to the woods to find flowers and see the pretty birds.In one tree you can see a nest, but you can not see the little birds.You may see the big bird if she comes to feed the little ones.
She has a pretty home high in the tree.
we are in now one red ride sit drum dress tree two go give get glad will let here nesthome horse three them woods too if theyfield find feed flowers by yes high wagon like whip but Frankapple yellow pretty MayREVIEW.
this do kite father gave Do you see this? It is my kite.My father gave it to me.
Is it not a pretty one?
He gave me this drum, too.