36.I say "in the Campus Martius" because it was there that the comitia assembled by centuries; in its two other forms the people assembled in the forum or elsewhere; and then the capite censi had as much influence and authority as the foremost citizens.
37.Custodes, diribitores, rogatores suffragiorum.
38.The nomination was made secretly by night, as if there were something shameful in setting a man above the laws.
39.That is what he could not be sure of, if he proposed a dictator; for he dared not nominate himself, and could not be certain that his colleague would nominate him.
40.I merely call attention in this chapter to a subject with which I have dealt at greater length in my Letter to M.d'Alembert.
41.They were from another island, which the delicacy of our language forbids me to name on this occasion.
42.Nonne ea qu?possidet Chamos deus tuus, tibi jure debentur? (Judges, 11:24.) Such is the text in the Vulgate.Father de Carrières translates: "Do you not regard yourselves as having a right to what your god possesses?" I do not know the force of the Hebrew text: but I perceive that, in the Vulgate, Jephthah positively recognises the right of the god Chamos, and that the French translator weakened this admission by inserting an "according to you," which is not in the Latin.
43.It is quite clear that the Phocian War, which was called "the Sacred War," was not a war of religion.Its object was the punishment of acts of sacrilege, and not the conquest of unbelievers.
44.It should be noted that the clergy find their bond of union not so much in formal assemblies, as in the communion of Churches.Communion and excommunication are the social compact of the clergy, a compact which will always make them masters of peoples and kings.
All priests who communicate together are fellow-citizens, even if they come from opposite ends of the earth.This invention is a masterpiece of statesmanship: there is nothing like it among pagan priests; who have therefore never formed a clerical corporate body.
45.See, for instance, in a letter from Grotius to his brother (April 11, 1643), what that learned man found to praise and to blame in the De Cive.It is true that, with a bent for indulgence, he seems to pardon the writer the good for the sake of the bad; but all men are not so forgiving.
46."In the republic," says the Marquis d'Argenson, "each man is perfectly free in what does not harm others."This is the invariable limitation, which it is impossible to define more exactly.I have not been able to deny myself the pleasure of occasionally quoting from this manuscript, though it is unknown to the public, in order to do honour to the memory of a good and illustrious man, who had kept even in the Ministry the heart of a good citizen, and views on the government of his country that were sane and right.
47.Cæsar, pleading for Catiline, tried to establish the dogma that the soul is mortal: Cato and Cicero, in refutation, did not waste time in philosophising.They were content to show that Cæsar spoke like a bad citizen, and brought forward a doctrine that would have a bad effect on the State.This, in fact, and not a problem of theology, was what the Roman senate had to judge.
48.Marriage, for instance, being a civil contract, has civil effects without which society cannot even subsist.
Suppose a body of clergy should claim the sole right of permitting this act, a right which every intolerant religion must of necessity claim, is it not clear that in establishing the authority of the Church in this respect, it will be destroying that of the prince, who will have thenceforth only as many subjects as the clergy choose to allow him? Being in a position to marry or not to marry people according to their acceptance of such and such a doctrine, their admission or rejection of such and such a formula, their greater or less piety, the Church alone, by the exercise of prudence and firmness, will dispose of all inheritances, offices and citizens, and even of the State itself, which could not subsist if it were composed entirely of bastards? But, I shall be told, there will be appeals on the ground of abuse, summonses and decrees; the temporalities will be seized.How sad! The clergy, however little, I will not say courage, but sense it has, will take no notice and go its way: it will quietly allow appeals, summonses, decrees and seizures, and, in the end, will remain the master.It is not, I think, a great sacrifice to give up a part, when one is sure of securing all.