"There's one thing,"said Alan,musingly,"that naebody kens his name.""Nor yet they shallnae,Alan!There's my hand on that,"cried James,for all the world as if he had really known my name and was foregoing some advantage."But just the habit he was in,and what he looked like,and his age,and the like?I couldnae well do less.""I wonder at your father's son,"cried Alan,sternly."Would ye sell the lad with a gift?Would ye change his clothes and then betray him?""No,no,Alan,"said James."No,no:the habit he took off --the habit Mungo saw him in."But I thought he seemed crestfallen;indeed,he was clutching at every straw,and all the time,I dare say,saw the faces of his hereditary foes on the bench,and in the jury-box,and the gallows in the background.
"Well,sir"says Alan,turning to me,"what say ye to,that?Ye are here under the safeguard of my honour;and it's my part to see nothing done but what shall please you.""I have but one word to say,"said I;"for to all this dispute Iam a perfect stranger.But the plain common-sense is to set the blame where it belongs,and that is on the man who fired the shot.Paper him,as ye call it,set the hunt on him;and let honest,innocent folk show their faces in safety."But at this both Alan and James cried out in horror;bidding me hold my tongue,for that was not to be thought of;and asking me what the Camerons would think?(which confirmed me,it must have been a Cameron from Mamore that did the act)and if I did not see that the lad might be caught?"Ye havenae surely thought of that?"said they,with such innocent earnestness,that my hands dropped at my side and I despaired of argument.
"Very well,then,"said I,"paper me,if you please,paper Alan,paper King George!We're all three innocent,and that seems to be what's wanted.But at least,sir,"said I to James,recovering from my little fit of annoyance,"I am Alan's friend,and if I can be helpful to friends of his,I will not stumble at the risk."I thought it best to put a fair face on my consent,for I saw Alan troubled;and,besides (thinks I to myself),as soon as my back is turned,they will paper me,as they call it,whether Iconsent or not.But in this I saw I was wrong;for I had no sooner said the words,than Mrs.Stewart leaped out of her chair,came running over to us,and wept first upon my neck and then on Alan's,blessing God for our goodness to her family.
"As for you,Alan,it was no more than your bounden duty,"she said."But for this lad that has come here and seen us at our worst,and seen the goodman fleeching like a suitor,him that by rights should give his commands like any king --as for you,my lad,"she says,"my heart is wae not to have your name,but Ihave your face;and as long as my heart beats under my bosom,Iwill keep it,and think of it,and bless it."And with that she kissed me,and burst once more into such sobbing,that I stood abashed.
"Hoot,hoot,"said Alan,looking mighty silly."The day comes unco soon in this month of July;and to-morrow there'll be a fine to-do in Appin,a fine riding of dragoons,and crying of 'Cruachan!'[24]and running of red-coats;and it behoves you and me to the sooner be gone."
Thereupon we said farewell,and set out again,bending somewhat eastwards,in a fine mild dark night,and over much the same broken country as before.
[24]The rallying-word of the Campbells.