On Monday evening the interview between Lawyer Ball and Richard Hare took place. With some difficulty would the lawyer believe his tale--not as to its broad details; he saw that he might give credit to them but as to the accusation against Sir Francis Levison. Richard persisted, mentioned every minute particular he could think of--his meeting him the night of the elopement in Bean lane, his meetings with him again in London, and Sir Francis's evident fear of him, and thence pursuit, and the previous Saturday night's recognition at the door of the Raven, not forgetting to tell of the anonymous letter received by Justice Hare the morning that Richard was in hiding at Mr. Carlyle's.
There was no doubt in the world it had been sent by Francis Levison to frighten Mr. Hare into dispatching him out of West Lynne, had Richard taken refuge in his father's home. None had more cause to keep Dick from falling into the hands of justice than Francis Levison.
"I believe what you say--I believe all you say, Mr. Richard, touching Thorn," debated the attorney; "but it's next to impossible to take in so astounding a fact as that he is Sir Francis Levison."
"You can satisfy yourself of the fact from other lips than mine," said Richard. "Otway Bethel could testify to it if he would, though I doubt his willingness. But there's Ebenezer James."
"What does he know about it?" asked the attorney, in surprise.
"Ebenezer James is in our office at present."
"He saw Thorn often enough in those days, and has, I hear, recognized him as Levison. You had better inquire of him. Should you object to take cause against Levison?"
"Not a bit of it. Let me be assured that I am upon safe grounds as to the identity of the man, and I'll proceed in it forthwith. Levison is an out-and-out scoundrel, /as/ Levison, and deserves hanging. I will send for James at once, and hear what he says," he concluded, after a pause of consideration.
Richard Hare started wildly up. "Not while I am here; he must not see me. For Heaven's sake, consider the peril to me, Mr. Ball!"
"Pooh, pooh!" laughed the attorney. "Do you suppose I have but this one reception-room? We don't let cats into cages where canary birds are kept."
Ebenezer James returned with the messenger dispatched after him.
"You'll be sure to find him at the singing saloon," Mr. Ball had said; and there the gentleman was found.
"Is it any copying, sir, wanted to be done in a hurry?" cried James, when he came in.
"No," replied the attorney. "I wish a question or two answered, that's all. Did you ever know Sir Francis Levison to go by any name but his own?"
"Yes, sir. He has gone by the name of Thorn."
A pause. "When was this?"
"It was the autumn when Hallijohn was killed. Thorn used to be prowling about there in an evening--in the wood and at the cottage, I mean."
"What did he prowl for?"
Ebenezer James laughed. "For the same reason that several more did--I, for one. He was sweet upon Afy Hallijohn."
"Where was he living at the time? I never remember him in West Lynne."
"He was not at West Lynne, sir. On the contrary, he seemed to take precious good care that West Lynne and he kept separate. A splendid horse he rode, a thoroughbred; and he used to come galloping into the wood at dusk, get over his chat with Miss Afy, mount, and gallop away again."
"Where to? Where did he come from?"
"From somewhere toward Swainson; a ten mile's ride, Afy used to say he had. Now that he has appeared here in his own plumage, of course I can put two and two together, and not be at much fault for the exact spot."
"And where's that?" asked the lawyer.
"Levison Park," said Mr. Ebenezer. "There's little doubt he was stopping at his uncle's, and you know that is close to Swainson."
Lawyer Ball thought things were becoming clearer--or darker, whatever you may please to call it. He paused again, and then put a question impressively.
"James, have you any doubt whatever, or shadow of doubt, that Sir Francis Levison is the same man you know as Thorn?"
"Sir, have I any doubt that you are Mr. Ball, or that I am Eb. James?" retorted Mr. Ebenezer. "I am as certain of that man's identity as I am of yours."
"Are you ready to swear to that fact in a court of justice?"
"Ready and willing, in any court in the world. To-morrow, if I am called upon."
"Very well. You may go back to your singing club now. Keep a silent tongue in your head."
"All close, sir," answered Mr. Ebenezer James.
Far into the middle of the night sat Lawyer Ball and Richard Hare, the former chiefly occupied in taking notes of Richard's statement.
"It's half a crochet, this objection of Carlyle's to interfere with Levison," suddenly uttered Richard, in the midst of some desultory conversation. "Don't you think so, Mr. Ball?"
The lawyer pursed up his lips. "Um! A delicate point. Carlyle was always fastidiously honorable. /I/ should go at him, thunder and fury, in his place; but I and Carlyle are different."
The following day, Tuesday, Mr. Ball was much occupied, putting, to use nearly Ebenezer James' words, that and that together. Later in the day he took a journey to Levison Park, ferreted out some information, and came home again. On that same day, at evening, Richard departed for Liverpool--he was done with for the present--Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle being, as before, alone cognizant of his address.
Wednesday morning witnessed the arrival again of the Earl of Mount Severn. Lord Vane, too. The latter ought to have gone back to Eton, but he had teased and prayed to be allowed to "see the fun out," meaning the election. "And that devil's discomfiture when he finds himself beaten," he surreptitiously added, behind his father's back, who was a great stickler for the boy's always being "gentlemanly." So the earl had yielded. They arrived, as before, about breakfast-time, having traveled all night. Subsequently, they and Mr. Carlyle walked into West Lynne together.