AND I would seek the country town Amid green meadows nestled down If I could only find the way Back to the Land of Yesterday!
How I would thrust the miles aside, Rush up the quiet lane, and then, Just where her roses laughed in pride, Find her among the flowers again.
I'd slip in silently and wait Until she saw me by the gate, And then . . . read through a blur of tears Quick pardon for the selfish years.
This time, this time, I would not wait For that brief wire that said, Too late!--If I could only find the way Into the Land of Yesterday.
I wonder if her roses yet Lift up their heads and laugh with pride, And if her phlox and mignonette Have heart to blossom by their side;
I wonder if the dear old lane Still chirps with robins after rain, And if the birds and banded bees Still rob her early cherry-trees. . . .
I wonder, if I went there now, How everything would seem, and how--But no! not now; there is no way Back to the Land of Yesterday.